******************************************************************************* TestLink Change-log ******************************************************************************* TestLink - 1.9.3 (2011 Q3 - bug fixing) (Scheduled For Release 2011-07-01) ========================================================================== - 0004511: [Reports] MIle stones are not getting updated (Julian) - resolved. - 0004419: [Test Importance / Urgency / Priority] Add columns "Importance" and "Priority" to "Set urgent Tests" (Julian) - closed. - 0004418: [Test Importance / Urgency / Priority] Clean up priority usage within Testlink (Julian) - closed. - 0004398: [Migration/Upgrade Testlink] Prevent user-login when database scheme version does not fit required scheme (Julian) - closed. - 0002985: [New Feature] Expose test case IMPORTANCE (NOT priority) as a column in the 'Add / Remove Test cases to Test Plan' frame. (Julian) - closed. - 0004486: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Assign test execution - Link shows incorrect Test Case Version (Julian) - closed. - 0004487: [Requirement Management] Add Req-Version to internal Requirement Links (Julian) - closed. - 0004497: [Requirement Revisioning] Revision is not shown for older Requirement Versions (Julian) - closed. - 0004481: [User Interface Customization] Allow custom configuration of CSS Styles when defining new statuses (fman) - closed. - 0004536: [Requirement Management] Tree is not refreshed after editing Requirement (fman) - closed. - 0004376: [User Interface General] Test Specification > {test suite | test case} > {ctrl, click, drag} > destination test suite (fman) - closed. - 0004535: [Requirement Management] Tree is not refreshed after editing Requirement Specification (fman) - closed. - 0004368: [Inventory / Platforms] Provide WYSIWYG Editor (FCKEditor) for Platform Description (fman) - closed. - 0004584: [Test Specification] Checkbox to decide whether to create another test case or not (Julian) - closed. - 0003953: [Test Specification] Checkbox to decide whether to create another requirement or not (Julian) - closed. - 0004305: [User Interface General] The test cases tree shows nothing when creating test cases (fman) - closed. - 0004613: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] cookiePrefix needs to be improved for all trees within testlink (Julian) - closed. - 0004322: [Test Specification] New Option to block delete of executed test cases. (fman) - closed. - 0004196: [Test Execute] Usability: Tree is collapsed after execution (fman) - closed. - 0004625: [Test Execute] Settings not properly set on "args" when first entering test execution (asimon) - closed. - 0004600: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Block to execute test case because of updating new test case version (asimon) - closed. - 0003110: [Test Specification] Show Testcase newest version must have clickable TC and compare (Julian) - closed. - 0004636: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Add Edit Icon and Execution Icon to Test Execution Assingment Frame that opens Test Case Edit or Execution popup (Julian) - closed. - 0004494: [Third party components] Upgrade Extjs 3.3.0 to 3.4.0 to support Internet Explorer 9 (Julian) - closed. - 0004644: [User Interface General] Allow to configure different CSS-Files for Test Spec Documents and Requirement Spec Documents (Julian) - closed. - 0004298: [Requirement Management] Direct links for each requirement version (asimon) - closed. - 0004289: [Requirement Management] (MS SQL Server 2008) - Opening a requirement crashes (fman) - closed. - 0004321: [Requirement Management] Requirement Spec - add option to print single Req Spec (fman) - closed. - 0004125: [Reports] Filtering does not work in " Test result matrix" (Eloff) - closed. - 0004349: [Localization] Locale en_US outdated -> copy en_GB to en_US to update for now (Julian) - closed. - 0004062: [Users and Rights] General user rights overide user rigths at test plan level (after migration from 1.8.5 to 1.9.x) (fman) - closed. - 0004356: [TL API] Unable to generate developer key when using prefix in table names. (fman) - closed. - 0004303: [Test Execute] Filtering does NOT work (fman) - closed. - 0004333: [Reports] On General Test Plan Metrics % complete did not round (kinow) - closed. - 0004302: [Test Execute] Execute Test pane (fman) - closed. - 0004343: [Reports] Reports Failed Test Cases / Blocked Test Cases / Not Run Test Cases -> Build is not shown (fman) - closed. - 0004341: [Reports] New Column "Last Execuition Result" for Test Result Matrix (Julian) - closed. - 0004362: [Reports] metricsDashboard not working properly with platforms defined (fman) - closed. - 0004363: [Reports] General Test Plan Metrics - Overall Build Status -> empty line for a build shown with no test cases assigned to user (fman) - closed. - 0004391: [Reports] General Test Plan Metrics - Results by Keywords does not work properly when platforms are used (fman) - closed. - 0004387: [Reports] Tables in "general testplan metrics" should offer option to sort data (Julian) - closed. - 0004374: [Test Project Management] When copying a project, external TC ID is not preserved (fman) - closed. - 0004128: [Reports] Report->Overall Build Status:the Assigned field is not correct sometimes (fman) - closed. - 0004243: [Test Execute] When creating a new build without "Copy tester assignments", the test cases remain assigned to users of the previous build (Julian) - closed. - 0004336: [Reports] tl_documents.css not found due to wrong path in generated report (kinow) - closed. TestLink - 1.9.2 (2010 Q2 - bug fixing) (Released 2011-03-19) ============================================================= - 0004186: [General] Log message on config_check.txt after upgrade to Testlink 1.9.1 (Julian) - closed. - 0004207: [Database MS-SQL] SQL error Class:testcase - Method: set_step_number */ UPDATE tcsteps TC_STEP SET step_number = 2 WHERE TC_STEP.id = 56 (fman) - closed. - 0004204: [Database General] Error query using prefix table (fman) - closed. - 0004222: [Export/Import] CUSTOM FIELDS - Remove \n from fields that are used on TestLink as identifiers. (fman) - closed. - 0004199: [General] No tree control below options box on Specification pages (Test Spec. & Req. Spec) after 1.9.0 >1.9.1 (Julian) - closed. - 0004230: [Test Specification] JS error when editing test case (step) (Julian) - closed. - 0004228: [Reports] Requirement based Report - Add more detailed requirement evalutation states for better analysis (Julian) - closed. - 0004206: [Requirement Management] Requirement based Report - Jump to latest execution for linked test cases (Julian) - closed. - 0004205: [Reports] Requirement based Report - Add progress bars for a quick Overview (Julian) - closed. - 0004220: [Localization] Translation in brazilian portuguese (pt-br) (Julian) - closed. - 0004194: [Reports] Debug messages on Test Result Matrix (fman) - closed. - 0004193: [Reports] Debug messages on Query Metrics report (fman) - closed. - 0004227: [Reports] Requirement based Report - Allow to choose status of requirements to be evaluated (asimon) - closed. - 0004192: [Reports] Results by Tester per Build - show only open builds per default to improve performance (asimon) - closed. - 0004244: [Reports] Test Cases with Execution Details does not show test with Notes (Julian) - closed. - 0004250: [Test Specification] Cannot cancel 'Create step' mode (Julian) - closed. - 0004002: [Test Specification] by edit test case the Cancel button does not work (Julian) - closed. - 0003737: [Test Specification] Step Edit - Cancel Button not working anymore (Julian) - closed. - 0004245: [Test Specification] Cannot view certain ver of case directly without view its prev ver (Julian) - closed. - 0004253: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Filter 'Result=Not Run' in page "Assign Test Case Execution" does not work if test plan has ONLY 1 build (asimon) - closed. - 0004246: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Suggest to add snap to grid in test plan management GUI (fman) - closed. - 0004233: [Reports] Query Metrics Report does not work in Internet Explorer 8.0 (Julian) - closed. - 0004239: [Test Project Management] Duplicated requirements in testcase layout and duplicated testcases in requirement layout when using testproject reuse feature (asimon) - closed. - 0004275: [Requirement Management] Generate Requirement Specification Document: Many Requirements are in the document twice (Julian) - closed. - 0004270: [Keywords] Keywords are not ordered by name (Julian) - closed. - 0004221: [Reports] Test Results matrix HTML: File does not exist: \\*gui\\ (Julian) - closed. - 0004269: [Reports] Test result matrix can not be display (Julian) - closed. - 0004276: [Reports] Debug information being displayed in the header of the report (Julian) - closed. - 0004203: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Test case become unassigned on a build when it is unassigned from another build (asimon) - closed. - 0004279: [Test Specification] After copying test case user feedback at top of frame has encoded HTML (Julian) - closed. - 0004277: [User Interface General] "New Child Test Suite" button is missing. (Julian) - closed. - 0004286: [Test Specification] Option to print single test case (fman) - closed. - 0004273: [Requirement Management] Option to print single requirement (fman) - closed. - 0004300: [Requirement Revisioning] The pop up window for Revision and Version have the same title (Julian) - closed. - 0004274: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] Help-page for requirement editing needed (asimon) - closed. - 0003765: [Requirement Management] Req. Spec Doc ID disappears when you filter requirements (asimon) - closed. - 0004311: [Integration with Other Systems] Problem using uploadExecutionAttachment method with Testlink-java-api (fman) - closed. - 0004317: [Test Specification] Create Test Cases from Requirements do not use expected coverage data to set default nb TC to create. (Julian) - closed. - 0004285: [Reports] Test Metrics shows results from inactive builds (fman) - closed. - 0004021: [TL API] Remote execution of testcases doesn't work (fman) - closed. - 0003338: [TL API] Contribution: make execute_remote work (fman) - closed. - 0004328: [Reports] Metrics dashboard - only active builds has to be used (fman) - closed. TestLink - 1.9.1 (Prague - Bugfix 1) (Released 2011-01-23) ========================================================== - 0004184: [Database MS-SQL] Ambiguous column name ''platform_id'' (fman) - resolved. - 0004164: [Custom fields] Custom fields with "LIST" type remain wide open during use. (Julian) - resolved. - 0004079: [Test Execute] Cannot add attachment to execution [DB REPOSITORY / MSSQL] (fman) - resolved. - 0004100: [Requirement Management] Import Requirements - create new version for duplicate requirements (fman) - resolved. - 0004112: [Reports] IIS/MSSQL: Report "Test Cases with Execution Details" fails with an "Internal server error" (fman) - resolved. - 0002525: [Custom fields] No "CF_ESTIMATED_EXEC_TIME" in test report (fman) - resolved. - 0004176: [Inventory / Platforms] Wrong path for ext-all-debug.js in inventoryView.tpl (Julian) - resolved. - 0004172: [Requirement Revisioning] Req revision history - MSSQL UNION text field issue (fman) - resolved. - 0004174: [Installer] Wrong login credentials shown after migration procedure (Julian) - resolved. - 0004173: [Installer] migration process - every migrated test case shown on log (Julian) - resolved. - 0004170: [Reports] Test Report - When Test Plan Has platforms does not filter test cases (fman) - resolved. - 0004171: [Reports] Test Report - estimated and real execution time functions made Platform aware (fman) - resolved. - 0004169: [Users and Rights] Search results are not being displayed (Julian) - resolved. - 0004166: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] missing Testplans on "Update Linked Test Case Versions" Testplan DropDown (Julian) - resolved. - 0004168: [Requirement Management] Requirement Specifications navigator tree empty (asimon) - resolved. - 0003784: [Bug Tracking Systems Integration] custom bug status in MantisBT causing error messages in TestLink (fman) - resolved. - 0004144: [Test Specification] VERTICAL LAYOUT - missing "insert step" column and icon in test case specification (fman) - resolved. - 0004145: [Test Project Management] deactivating "public" for a project in project management doesn't work after saving (fman) - resolved. - 0004153: [Requirement Management] Warning message when navigating away from changed requirement without saving (Julian) - resolved. - 0004154: [Requirement Management] Warning message when navigating away from changed requirement specification without saving (Julian) - resolved. - 0004155: [Test Specification] Warning message when navigating away from changed test suite without saving (Julian) - resolved. - 0004152: [User Interface General] [TL 1.9.1 on CVS] Focus is set to document id when log message dialog appears (Julian) - resolved. - 0004150: [Requirement Management] Add Check to assure tha Requirement Title is UNIQUE AMONG all children of a Req Spec (fman) - resolved. - 0004006: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Is_public flag on testplans not used as expected? (fman) - resolved. - 0004085: [General] Attachment Repository on Database - Can not get file after upload (fman) - resolved. - 0004136: [Test Specification] configuration $tlCfg->spec_cfg->steps_results_layout = 'vertical'; is not working when creating a test step the first time (fman) - resolved. - 0004133: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Filter on Test Case Title in Add / Remove Test Cases should not be case sensitive on right pane (asimon) - resolved. - 0003878: [Test Execute] "Save and move to next" does not respect filter settings (asimon) - resolved. - 0004070: [Reports] General Test Plan Metrics - Report generation so slow that is unusable (fman) - resolved. - 0004087: [Custom fields] Filtering Test Cases by more than one custom field gives zero results (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0004118: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Copy Test plan feature is not copying test cases (asimon) - resolved. - 0004084: [User Interface General] Update tree after every operation ignored in Test Case editor (asimon) - resolved. - 0004131: [Third party components] PHPMAILER - upgrade config options to use SSL or TLS - allows use gmail (fman) - resolved. - 0004023: [Test Execute] Incorrect filtering of tests in exec tree (asimon) - resolved. - 0004123: [Localization] Spanish (Arg) (Julian) - resolved. - 0004121: [Reports] get_not_run_tc_count_per_build() crashes (fman) - resolved. - 0004097: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Test case assign crashes browser (fman) - resolved. - 0004115: [Test Specification] Custom Field Filters in Test case specs dont work in a corner condition (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0004019: [TL API] API - getTestCasesForTestPlan can't filter by platform name (fman) - resolved. - 0004093: [Database General] MSSQL - Problems on fetch_array() (fman) - resolved. - 0004010: [Database Postgres] [MIGRATION] [POSTGRES] - updating from 1.8 to 1.9 rc1 fails (fman) - resolved. - 0004010: [Database Postgres] [MIGRATION] [POSTGRES] - updating from 1.8 to 1.9 rc1 fails (fman) - resolved. - 0004109: [Event viewer] Event logs not viewable in IE8 (Julian) - resolved. - 0004105: [0 - Undefined] Assign Test Plan roles crash (fman) - resolved. - 0004090: [Reports] Correct custom test result colors aren't shown in charts (fman) - resolved. - 0004082: [TL API] Missing check of overwrite parameter in function reportTCResult (xmlrpc.class.php) (fman) - resolved. - 0004086: [TL API] Unexpected result when overwriting reportTCResult (fman) - resolved. - 0003995: [Custom fields] Custom Field Filters in Test case Execution : Dont Work (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0004024: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Add Test Case to Test Plan gives sql error on filtering the test cases on custom field value (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0004083: [TL API] There is no mapping for the method uploadExecutionAttachment in TL API (fman) - resolved. - 0004067: [Test Specification] Tree refreshes after every action taken in Test Specification when update tree is disabled (asimon) - resolved. - 0003999: [User Interface General] Test Project list does not refresh after deleted (fman) - resolved. - 0004077: [User Interface General] Trees do not work on Internet Explorer (asimon) - resolved. - 0003837: [Test Specification] TL19RC1 - Test Specification - Test casee management - Copy test case - Bad message displayed. (Julian) - resolved. - 0004063: [User Interface General] Usability: Add "Save" and "Cancel" Button at the top of requirement edit page (Julian) - resolved. - 0004027: [Reports] Query metrics start date and end date are not working - getting all results (asimon) - resolved. - 0004065: [Users and Rights] errors from SQL (fman) - resolved. - 0004066: [Internal issue] Add $_REQUEST=strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST); to common.php (asimon) - resolved. - 0004061: [User Interface General] wrong headline by copy a test case (Julian) - resolved. - 0004042: [User Interface General] "Expand/Collapse" Button for Trees (asimon) - resolved. - 0004041: [TL API] API - getTestCasesForTestPlan() -Platform Information not provided (fman) - resolved. - 0004030: [Installer] error log contains: PHP Notice: Undefined index: installationType in installCheck.php on line 40 (fman) - resolved. - 0003919: [Custom fields] CONTRIBUTION Enhanced custom fields script migration (fman) - resolved. - 0004038: [Requirement Management] Requirement Overview: Clicking Requirement Link does not open Requirement Version (asimon) - resolved. - 0004031: [Requirement Management] Prevent copying of req scope to test case summary when creating test cases from requirement (asimon) - resolved. - 0004007: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Strange empty TestPlan combo boxes in same navigator panes (asimon) - resolved. - 0004009: [Reports] "Test Case Assignment Overview" doesn't shows assignments in some situations (asimon) - closed. [67 issues] TestLink - 1.9 (Prague) (Released 2010-11-14) ============================================= - 0000365: [Test Execute] Search in executed test notes (Julian) - closed. - 0003892: [Custom fields] Check CF Combinations ON TEST PLANS - Types validation (fman) - closed. - 0003891: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Do not lose Custom Field values if test plan can not be created due to duplicated name (fman) - closed. - 0003890: [Test Specification] Create Test Suite with same name that existent sibling - BLOCK (fman) - closed. - 0003887: [Custom fields] Check CF Combinations ON TEST SUITES - Types validation (fman) - closed. - 0003886: [Custom fields] Check CF Combinations ON Requirements - Types validation (fman) - closed. - 0003884: [Custom fields] Filtering by datetime custom field is not possible (asimon) - closed. - 0003883: [Custom fields] date custom field gets set to random value when user does not enter anything and hits apply (asimon) - closed. - 0003875: [Custom fields] TL19RC1 - Check CF Combinations - Button (asimon) - closed. - 0003872: [Users and Rights] Admin should be able to set a new password for users (fman) - closed. - 0000954: [Test Specification] Nice to be able to filter further than one level in the test case tree. (asimon) - closed. - 0003876: [Custom fields] Values of custom fields are not displayed when editing requirement (Julian) - closed. - 0002770: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Milestones - ability to set starting date (do not count previous testing) (Julian) - closed. - 0003893: [Reports] Overview Metric Report for all Test Plans in a project (Julian) - closed. - 0003804: [Reports] company logo not resized by document generator (fman) - closed. - 0003830: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] TL19RC1 - Milestones management - Check Milestone Status - Missing milestone status. (Julian) - closed. - 0003794: [Reports] Query Metrics report should allow filtering by platform (Eloff) - closed. - 0003909: [Custom fields] Typo: Test Plan Desing (Julian) - closed. - 0003934: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Assign Test Case Execution - Execution type filter does not affect right pane (fman) - closed. - 0003901: [Test Specification] Edit Test Case STEP - scroll window to show selected step (fman) - closed. - 0003910: [Test Execute] show priority filter only if test priority management is enabled (asimon) - closed. - 0003911: [Reports] Report "results by tester per build" shows table even if the table is empty (asimon) - closed. - 0003915: [Requirement Management] Add creation and modification timestamp to requirement overview (Julian) - closed. - 0003916: [TL API] xmlrpc api method 'getTestCaseCustomFieldDesignValue' is not behaving correctly in TL 1.9 RC1 (fman) - closed. - 0003917: [User Interface General] Test Specification: clean up buttons (Eloff) - closed. - 0003918: [User Interface General] Requirement Specification: clean up buttons (Eloff) - closed. - 0003920: [TL API] xmlrpc api method 'createTestProject' doesn't allow to enable requirements, test priority/automation or inventory (fman) - closed. - 0003924: [Localization] Localization of ExtJS components (Julian) - closed. - 0003928: [Test Specification] Custom fields are not well displayed (Julian) - closed. - 0003932: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Add test case to test plan - Execution type filter does not affect right pane (fman) - closed. - 0003936: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Assign Test Case Execution - Right pane does not reflect custom field filter. (fman) - closed. - 0003902: [Reports] Dashboard metrics - Documentation regarding Test Project Progress (Julian) - closed. - 0003907: [Reports] Milestone edit with problems because of start date (Julian) - closed. - 0003947: [User Interface General] Missing edit icon in default theme in both 1.8.5 and 1.9 rc1 (fman) - closed. - 0003888: [Inventory / Platforms] Inventory fields are erased if any line break is entered (MySQL) (fman) - closed. - 0003946: [Requirement Management] reqirement specification tree size (asimon) - closed. - 0003908: [Event viewer] Reset filters on event viewer after deleting only special event types (Julian) - closed. - 0003927: [Requirement Management] Requirement can’t be deleted due to JS error -> label has to be escaped (fman) - closed. - 0003716: [User Interface General] Dates pull downs should be changed to calendar interface everywhere, for exampl in filters etc. (asimon) - closed. - 0003930: [Event viewer] Date picker display date in MM/DD/YYYY format (Julian) - closed. - 0003945: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Assign Test Case Execution to a build shows all the test cases on applied filters (asimon) - closed. - 0003950: [User Interface General] Navigation bar design should be optimized (asimon) - closed. - 0003951: [Requirement Management] Status and Type for requirements are not saved (asimon) - closed. - 0003954: [Requirement Management] Allowed to freeze all requirements from a requirement specification (asimon) - closed. - 0003933: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Add test case to test plan - Left Pane filter use priority concept to filter test spec where priority does not exist (asimon) - closed. - 0003949: [Export/Import] XSL - XML Generator Utility for Test Cases. (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003801: [Export/Import] Crash when updating test case with custom field using Import TC function (fman) - closed. - 0003674: [Charts] Charts was generated and now is not (fman) - closed. - 0003966: [Reports] Test Cases not Assigned to any test plan is running empty (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003956: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Filter drop down disabled by default (asimon) - closed. - 0003944: [User Interface General] req spec - file upload control problems with different browsers (Eloff) - closed. - 0003948: [User Interface General] Every image link contain a double / (fman) - closed. - 0003937: [User Interface General] No information when exporting all test suites when no test suites exists (fman) - closed. - 0003845: [Test Project Management] TL-43 Delete Test Project creates DB backtrace (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0000385: [New Feature] Test Documents Tree: Filter test documents by build and by Test Plan. (fman) - closed. - 0003649: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Export/Import Test Plan links to test cases and platforms (fman) - closed. - 0001349: [Test Specification] Import **and/or update** test cases via spreadsheet or API (fman) - closed. - 0003373: [Test Specification] Data after test case creation isn't removed (fman) - closed. - 0003179: [User Interface General] On Home page, the current text plan box can exceed page when a test plan name is too long (fman) - closed. - 0002920: [Reports] Legend blurred in Charts report (fman) - closed. - 0002874: [General] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (fman) - closed. - 0003544: [TL API] TL API - deleteExecution doesn't handle missing execution id (fman) - closed. - 0002983: [Event viewer] Errors in Event Log (fman) - closed. - 0003027: [User Interface General] Text Formatting missing in Test Cases (fman) - closed. - 0002867: [Installer] TL 1.9 - migration from 1.8.x (fman) - closed. - 0002873: [General] Some "undefined index: tsd_..." messages in event log (fman) - closed. - 0001908: [Users and Rights] Generate the error "Request-URI Too Large" when assign Role to User (fman) - closed. - 0002590: [Internal issue] Remove Localization logic from smarty (fman) - closed. - 0001823: [Custom fields] Custom fields are shown only in first test case in "Search Test Case(s)" (fman) - closed. - 0002556: [Requirement Management] Requirement registration form is not re-populated after save failure (fman) - closed. - 0001874: [Requirement Management] Import status field (fman) - closed. - 0002838: [Test Execute] Add config option to add custom Result to execution. (fman) - closed. - 0003964: [Reports] Evaluation of requirement is set to "Passed" even though all linked test cases aren't passed. (asimon) - closed. - 0002684: [User Interface General] Requirement pop up view does not displayed properly (asimon) - closed. - 0002698: [General] In execution and reports cannot filter out testcase failed in previous build (asimon) - closed. - 0002236: [Reports] Incorrect 'Status of milestones' in the 'General Test plan metrics' (Julian) - closed. - 0003943: [General] Escape all messages (string) that has to be used on Javascript code (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003931: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Assign test case to test project fails for PRIVATE TEST PROJECT (tested with admin user) (fman) - closed. - 0003978: [Bug Tracking Systems Integration] BTS integration Code getting triggered when opening the Req Spec Page (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003977: [Database MySQL] If a user has a table prefix set for the databases, when they try to save a test step, a db access error is thrown (fman) - closed. - 0003627: [Reports] Error in the counter of report Test Cases with Fail (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0001051: [Custom fields] Search by Custom Fields on execution (asimon) - closed. - 0003889: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Add Test Cases to Test plan - Right pane shows all test cases of a test suite and does not consider test cases of filtered tree (fman) - closed. - 0003894: [Export/Import] ???? (fman) - closed. - 0001289: [Export/Import] Request for test plan export in XML (fman) - closed. - 0003874: [Custom fields] Check CF Combinations ON TEST CASES - Types validation (fman) - closed. - 0003421: [Test Execute] Test Case Execution feature - Add Export All test Case in TEST SUITE button (fman) - closed. - 0001381: [Export/Import] Exporting Testplan/ selected Testcases (fman) - closed. - 0003653: [Export/Import] Import Test Results with external ID (fman) - closed. - 0003366: [Export/Import] Import Results - add information regarding execution context (fman) - closed. - 0001243: [Database MS-SQL] MS-SQL 2005 Support (toshi) - closed. - 0003961: [Reports] General Test plan metrics: the first row of a table isn't displayed correct (Julian) - closed. - 0003759: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Add testcase and Keywords filter problem (fman) - closed. - 0002025: [Reports] Query Metrics: display Custom Fields (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0002602: [Internal issue] Remove obsolete file(s) (fman) - closed. - 0003822: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] 'Keywords' comboobx is absent on the Filters pane of 'Add / Remove Test Cases' (asimon) - closed. - 0003984: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Add testcase - Keywords filter displayed ONLY AFTER adding test case with keyword (asimon) - closed. - 0003765: [Requirement Management] Req. Spec Doc ID disappears when you filter requirements (fman) - closed. - 0003991: [TL API] getTestCasesForTestPlan() fails (fman) - closed. - 0001942: [Reports] Inactive builds are still used when computing test plan metrics (Julian) - closed. - 0003992: [TL API] getTestCasesForTestPlan ignores keywords (fman) - closed. - 0002738: [Reports] Contribution: option to include notes/descriptions in test report (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0004003: [Requirement Management] Minor Improvements for "Create Test Cases from Requirements" Page (Julian) - closed. - 0003979: [Third party components] Apply grid filters to exttables (Julian) - closed. - 0004011: [Export/Import] XLSTOXML Utility for Generating XML for Requirement Specs (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0002402: [Custom fields] Empty Custom Fields of type "STRING" are saved as a record (Julian) - closed. - 0002855: [Reports] Cannot view Report for "Failed Testcases" (Julian) - closed. - 0004009: [Reports] "Test Case Assignment Overview" doesn't shows assignments in some situations (asimon) - closed. - 0003989: [Custom fields] Save value for custom field only if a value is set (Julian) - closed. - 0004014: [User Interface General] Typo to display message of sending mail problem (fman) - closed. - 0004017: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] TL-34 Create plan as copy - Priorities are ALWAYS COPIED (fman) - closed. - 0002960: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Not able to add TestCases to TestPlan in Bulk when number of test cases > 48 (fman) - closed. - 0002296: [Test Execute] Cannot filter the execution list based on 'ANY' keywords. (fman) - closed. - 0002711: [General] The default value within the text fields have double line spacing when creating a test case (fman) - closed. - 0003914: [Requirement Management] error variable name (fman) - closed. - 0003305: [Installer] Data migration from 1.7.5 to 1.8.5 fails with error reported in apace log (fman) - closed. - 0003711: [Reports] Test Cases assigned to me table does always show platform column (Eloff) - closed. - 0003713: [Reports] Test Cases with Custom Fields Info table needs "test suite" and "platform" column" (Eloff) - closed. - 0003206: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] Provide User documentation for 1.9 release (mhavlat) - closed. - 0001755: [New Feature] Feature: Testing infrastructure control (mhavlat) - closed. - 0001772: [Reports] Incorrest Test Case Count in the Report General Test Plan Metrics (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003184: [General] Coherence bewteen menu feature and feature title (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003188: [Inventory / Platforms] Infrastructure defined in project A is visible in project B (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003185: [Inventory / Platforms] too many different terms (mhavlat) - closed. - 0000752: [Reports] Print test case - Some images are not visible in MS Word. (mhavlat) - closed. - 0001557: [User Interface General] Top menu and navigation enhancement (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003264: [Test Specification] The tree does not update itself when I copy a Testcase (fman) - closed. - 0003195: [Integration with Other Systems] integration of MantisBT custom issue status (fman) - closed. - 0002193: [Reports] General Test Plan Metrics - Test results according to test priorities (Eloff) - closed. [129 issues] TestLink - 1.9 RC 1 (Released 2010-10-09) ============================================================= - 0003717: [Reports] Requirements based report is incomplete (Julian) - closed. - 0003745: [Requirement Management] CSV Requirements Import Updates Frozen Requirement (fman) - closed. - 0003571: [New Feature] Add 'create new version' choice when Import Test Suite (fman) - closed. - 0003752: [Export/Import] Test results import does not work (Julian) - closed. - 0003749: [Reports] Test Cases assigned to me shows closed builds (asimon) - closed. - 0003755: [Requirement Management] No requirement tree refresh after requirement copy (asimon) - closed. - 0003757: [Requirement Management] requirement tree is refreshed after deleting a requirement even though auto refresh is disabled (asimon) - closed. - 0003738: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Unable to remove the assigned test case from test plan (that has platforms) (Eloff) - closed. - 0000889: [Custom fields] Probably shouldn't change old test case version's custom fields when changing new testcase version 's custom fields (fman) - closed. - 0003431: [Custom fields] Custom fields in test case not kept in old versions (fman) - closed. - 0003762: [Export/Import] Import Req Spec - custom fields values are ignored (fman) - closed. - 0003736: [Test Specification] Step creation or editing does not influence Test Case last modified info (fman) - closed. - 0001404: [Internal issue] Domxml-Extension related functions should be removed (fman) - closed. - 0003761: [Requirement Management] No requirement tree refresh after requirement import (asimon) - closed. - 0002283: [Custom fields] Unable to import test cases with custom fields (fman) - closed. - 0001934: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] After adding large number of Test Cases ( 0000755:0001500), get fatal error when trying to assign users or execute (fman) - closed. - 0002526: [Custom fields] Multiple CF_EXEC_TIME custom field in test report (fman) - closed. - 0003768: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Add Test Cases to Test Plan keyword problem in beta6. (asimon) - closed. - 0003620: [0 - Undefined] DB access error when deleting project, but it had been deleted (fman) - closed. - 0003764: [Requirement Management] Req Mapping breaks on import if the Req Spec Name is same across multiple tree nodes (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003327: [Requirement Management] When creating a new requirement using existing Document ID, saving do not raise an error but the modification is not applied. (fman) - closed. - 0003613: [0 - Undefined] Fatal error: Call to undefined function lowercase() (fman) - closed. - 0000666: [General] Roles – Assign test plan roles - refreshes when changing Test Plan and Project (fman) - closed. - 0000880: [Test Execute] Save a test result without loosing focus (fman) - closed. - 0001387: [Test Execute] edit test procedure and expect results in execution view (fman) - closed. - 0001976: [User Interface General] Tree does not automatically refresh (fman) - closed. - 0000874: [General] There are errors that raise suspicion in the server logs and need assitance with. (fman) - closed. - 0003754: [Reports] Bugs not reported in test report [Fix included] (Julian) - closed. - 0002215: [Reports] Result, Charts, axis labels are cut off and unreadable (fman) - closed. - 0002639: [Test Specification] "Update tree after every operation" does not work if a test case is copied from another (asimon) - closed. - 0003437: [Test Specification] TC version not visible in generated test specification (fman) - closed. - 0003772: [Database MS-SQL] MS SQL - LIMIT CLAUSE can not be used (fman) - closed. - 0003771: [Inventory / Platforms] MS SQL - tlPlatform.class::getAll() - GROUP by notes field - can not be doen (fman) - closed. - 0003266: [Test Specification] Importing top level Test Suite update (fman) - closed. - 0003685: [Requirement Management] XML Requirements Import Updates Frozen Requirement (fman) - closed. - 0003306: [Database MySQL] Upgrade from 1.7.5 to 1.8.4 reports duplication errors during upgrade (fman) - closed. - 0003293: [Third party components] Get a lot of errors in the log files (fman) - closed. - 0002379: [Test Specification] Update Tree after every operation checkbox does not fully work (asimon) - closed. - 0000526: [User Interface General] GUI request: Allow redirection to login and back for extenal links pointing to TL (asimon) - closed. - 0003176: [General] copy testcase not automatically update the tree (asimon) - closed. - 0003776: [Test Specification] TC Direct Link URL is malformed on TC View Page (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003777: [Requirement Management] Allow to insert last req doc id when creating requirement in Document ID field for consecutive numbering (Julian) - closed. - 0002582: [Reports] Test result matrix shows wrong TC version (Julian) - closed. - 0003789: [Reports] Query Metrics report doesn't display platforms for "not run" test cases. (fman) - closed. - 0003787: [Test Specification] Check / Uncheck button not functioning on the Copy Requirements Screen (fman) - closed. - 0003783: [Reports] Problmes with platforms in reports after removing a platform (Eloff) - closed. - 0003780: [Test Execute] Steps of a TestCase are not dispalyed on execution page[TL 1.9 RC1 snapshot ] (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003724: [Reports] Metrics Dashboard improvements (exttable, show inactive test plans) (Julian) - closed. - 0002877: [Custom fields] Custom Field values are not independent from test case/requirement version (fman) - closed. - 0003240: [New Feature] Provide action-on-duplicate option when import Testsuite. (fman) - closed. - 0003779: [Test Specification] Test Project - Option to reorder ALL CHILDREN Test Suites (fman) - closed. - 0003639: [Test Specification] Test Specification - Option to reorder ALL CHILDREN Test Cases (fman) - closed. - 0003778: [Test Specification] Test Specification - Option to reorder ALL CHILDREN Test Suites (fman) - closed. - 0003740: [User Interface General] No redirection to specific page after login is required (Eloff) - closed. - 0003790: [Requirement Management] Requirement Spec deletion doesnt clean the DB properly from the DB entries (fman) - closed. - 0003797: [User Interface General] use exttable for Testplan with Custom Field info report (Julian) - closed. - 0001890: [TL API] Possibility to add attachment by using API (fman) - closed. - 0003793: [User Interface General] use exttable for search results (Julian) - closed. - 0003047: [New Feature] Deleting multiple TCs (fman) - closed. - 0003686: [Requirement Management] When importing requirements, provide the option to 'create new version' (fman) - closed. - 0003616: [Reports] Missing link for reports "XXX Test cases" (eg : Not Run Test Cases) (asimon) - closed. - 0003805: [User Interface General] CVS HEAD: exttable not able to hande columns with duplicate names and without a-Z characters (Eloff) - closed. - 0003803: [Reports] Results by Tester per Build:Incorrect Data displayed in Grid (Eloff) - closed. - 0003798: [Reports] Generation of graphic Platform (Julian) - closed. - 0003802: [Users and Rights] "Locale" of User is not shown on User Management page (Julian) - closed. - 0003751: [Export/Import] New attribute "execution type" makes old XML import files incompatible (fman) - closed. - 0003806: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Filters in Assign Test case Execution log errors and no results are given in tree (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003810: [Test Specification] Steps are manual by default, even when added to automatic test case (fman) - closed. - 0003576: [Test Execute] Confusing link on "Test Cases Assigned to me" page (asimon) - closed. - 0003804: [Reports] company logo not resized by document generator (fman) - closed. - 0003814: [Keywords] 'And' doesn't work when filtering by keywords (asimon) - closed. - 0003817: [Test Execute] Filtering by 'Result' doesn't work if test plan has only one build (asimon) - closed. - 0003815: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] need updated info for fckeditor configuration (Julian) - closed. - 0003668: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Test Case EXECUTION Assignment Page not displayed properly (fman) - closed. - 0002344: [Test Project Management] Private test project (fman) - closed. - 0003421: [Test Execute] Test Case Execution feature - Add Export All test Case in TEST SUITE button (fman) - closed. - 0003809: [Test Execute] Radio button based Design Time Custom Fields dont work as Filters for Tree Menu (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003773: [Third party components] Upgrade FCKEditor from 2.6.5 to 2.6.6 (Julian) - closed. - 0003818: [Keywords] Filtering Keywords on add/remove testcase is not working well (asimon) - closed. - 0000894: [New Feature] Display Custom Fields in reports (kevin) - closed. - 0003828: [General] TL19RC1 - User self signup - Too many warnings in event log. (fman) - closed. - 0001278: [Reports] in the Results/Test Report, there is no links to the to jump to the Execution screen as it was with 1.6.3 (asimon) - closed. - 0001979: [Test Specification] Fatal error on exporting all test suites data (fman) - closed. - 0003552: [Export/Import] TC import failed by select option "create new Version" (fman) - closed. - 0003834: [Requirement Management] TL19RC1 - Requirement Specification - Manual Management - Create version source <>1 - Bad content used. (fman) - closed. - 0003821: [Test Execute] Filtering for Results on "last execution" results in HTTP Error 500 in Filter/Tree Frame (asimon) - closed. - 0003848: [Custom fields] TL-134 consistency - Available Fields not linkified? (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003824: [Reports] Report Test Cases Assigned to me Doesnt show data for Closed Builds (asimon) - closed. - 0003851: [Requirement Management] TL-77 Create requirement with duplicate DOC ID doesnt save custom field data (asimon) - closed. - 0003855: [Database Postgres] Upgrading from 1.8 to 1.9 does not work with PostgreSQL (fman) - closed. - 0003853: [Requirement Management] Requirements show_filters disabled still shows panel. (asimon) - closed. - 0003732: [Test Specification] Pre Condition is not displayed while writing test steps (fman) - closed. - 0003852: [Requirement Management] Filter requirements by status resets on apply (asimon) - closed. - 0003854: [Requirement Management] Requirements changes, Update Tree Automatically multiple issues (asimon) - closed. - 0003846: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] TL-32 copy test plan does not copy test assignments (asimon) - closed. - 0003867: [Internal issue] $options['last_execution'] does not work for testplan->get_linked_tcversions() (asimon) - closed. - 0003857: [Reports] Replace linked icons in reports if reports get sent by e-mail (asimon) - closed. - 0003856: [Reports] Requirement based report should regard platforms (asimon) - closed. - 0003871: [Event viewer] Exttable for event viewer for better overview (Julian) - closed. - 0003849: [Custom fields] Edit test case fails to save (fman) - closed. - 0003868: [Export/Import] Importing exported XML results - custom fields have unexpected NEW LINES (fman) - closed. - 0003311: [User Interface General] Customizable, standard popup size across TL (asimon) - closed. - 0000049: [New Feature] Create the ability to add a testcase to a testplan by specifying it's number (fman) - closed. [103 issues] TestLink - 1.9 Beta 6 (Released 2010-08-31) ======================================================== - 0003565: [TL API] tl.createTestPlan will add a database entry even if user has not sufficient rights (fman) - closed. - 0003526: [Users and Rights] Restrict access by default not working properly (fman) - closed. - 0003573: [Database MySQL] Crash whe deleting Test case specification (fman) - closed. - 0003585: [Test Specification] Delete test case gives "DB Access Error - debug_print_backtrace", although it seams that the data have been successfully deleted (fman) - closed. - 0003584: [Custom fields] Test case / Requirement / Requirement Search - replace custom field names by cf labels (Julian) - closed. - 0003581: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] release date setting for builds (fman) - closed. - 0002607: [TL API] Non-ASCII charater becomes broken by TestlinkXMLRPCServer (fman) - closed. - 0003591: [Test Execute] Order Test case by "Test priority" in the view "Test Cases Assigned to me" (Julian) - closed. - 0003605: [TL API] TL API - call of tl.getTestSuitesForTestSuite when no sub-testsuite exists results in invalid sql (fman) - closed. - 0003587: [Test Execute] Possible to delete results of a closed Build (Julian) - closed. - 0003610: [Test Specification] Test case display goes haywire after editing (Eloff) - closed. - 0003519: [Reports] Test report question - closed. - 0003609: [Export/Import] Error while importing test suite (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003555: [Custom fields] Custom Fields Order on Test Project Assignment page (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0002311: [Database MySQL] event logs (schlundus) - closed. - 0003656: [Database MySQL] when you filter Events by user you will get a SQL Syntax error on Frontend (fman) - closed. - 0003660: [General] E_NOTICE Undefined index: filter_toplevel_testsuite - inc_filter_panel.tpl.php - TEST SPEC (fman) - closed. - 0003562: [Integration with Other Systems] Results->Charts does not work on current head (Eloff) - closed. - 0003578: [Charts] Charts on Test Results doesn't display when TestLink is integrated with Mantis (Eloff) - closed. - 0003664: [Test Specification] Drag & Drop when Filters are applied does not work anymore (fman) - closed. - 0002673: [Event viewer] Event viewer error message - Undefined property: stdClass::$text_editor (fman) - closed. - 0003666: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Select a platform before adding Test cases to a test plan (Eloff) - closed. - 0003669: [Test Specification] Settings: Refresh ON - Move/Copy Test Cases - Copy does not refresh left panel (asimon) - closed. - 0003597: [Inventory / Platforms] Need ability to bulk-assign tests to specific platforms in Add/Remove tests... (Eloff) - closed. - 0003647: [asimon_thesis] All TC Assigned to user displayed in Results by Tester per build report (asimon) - closed. - 0003672: [Reports] Problem with fix for issue 0003590 (asimon) - closed. - 0003508: [Requirement Management] req overview can not generate the result some times (asimon) - closed. - 0003671: [Requirement Management] Crash when filtering on Test Case ID and Req Spec Type (fman) - closed. - 0003681: [Bug Tracking Systems Integration] [Contribution] - youtrack BTS integration (fman) - closed. - 0003654: [Database General] New install drop tables regardless the prefix (fman) - closed. - 0003569: [Requirement Management] Requirement based report displays passed requirements in "failed" section (asimon) - closed. - 0003259: [Reports] Fatal error after click 'Requirements based Report' button (asimon) - closed. - 0003488: [Reports] issue# 0002292 seems re-open on 1.9b4 version. (asimon) - closed. - 0003692: [Test Execute] DB error when selecting a folder under menu "execute" (asimon) - closed. - 0003261: [Reports] Requirements based Report NEED REFACTOR due to req version feature (asimon) - closed. - 0003693: [Third party components] Ext Js - Update to 3.2.1 (fman) - closed. - 0003439: [asimon_thesis] Requirement based report is incorrect. (asimon) - closed. - 0003683: [Database MySQL] Need help/advise on database issue between TL1.9.x and TL1.9.5 (fman) - closed. - 0003696: [Test Specification] testcase.class.php - method create_tcversion() - test case step execution type ignored (fman) - closed. - 0003695: [Export/Import] Test Case Steps - Export/Import - missing attribute execution type (fman) - closed. - 0002785: [User Interface General] Main page menu options not displayed because of profile restrications may cause blank lines to be added (fman) - closed. - 0003634: [Export/Import] When you "Import Test Cases" with steps in "Update data on Latest version" mode the steps will not be considered (fman) - closed. - 0003564: [TL API] TL API - TestCases added via tl.addTestCaseToTestPlan won't show up for execution (fman) - closed. - 0002592: [TL API] TL API crash when there are special charecters in test project/test plan/test case/build name (fman) - closed. - 0002170: [Custom fields] Search result shows up wrong content in custom fields (asimon) - closed. - 0003470: [Export/Import] XML import of test results with platforms fails (fman) - closed. - 0003558: [TL API] getTestCasesForTestPlan() - testcase with accent (fman) - closed. - 0003697: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Test Case - Assign Test Case execution - Problems when NO BUILD Defined on test plan (asimon) - closed. - 0003698: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Assign test case execution - Uncomplete refactoring generates missing key msg on event viewer (fman) - closed. - 0003113: [Test Execute] Test results / comment window, text can be typed in. (fman) - closed. - 0001595: [Requirement Management] Requirements based Report : inconsistency on arrMetrics attribute names between resulsReqs.php and resulsReqs.tpl (asimon) - closed. - 0003529: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] In "Add/Remove Test Case" - select platforms for BULK OPERATION (Eloff) - closed. - 0000791: [Requirement Management] Search/Find test cases based on Requirement (asimon) - closed. - 0001614: [Requirement Management] Enhancement of "Requirements" funtionality (plan) (fman) - closed. - 0003699: [Integration with Other Systems] Integration with Trac via XML-RPC does not work (fman) - closed. - 0003515: [Reports] PieChart metrics shows weird numbers when using platforms (Eloff) - closed. - 0003703: [Requirement Management] Improve English for "Requirements uncovered by Test Cases" (Julian) - closed. - 0003543: [Export/Import] Results import : add "execution-type" tag. (fman) - closed. - 0003704: [User Interface General] Change "Results" to "Reports" in menu bar (Julian) - closed. - 0003702: [Database MySQL] SQL DB Access Error when delete some TestCase (fman) - closed. - 0003375: [Localization] There are a text message not translated in File Upload (fman) - closed. - 0003718: [Requirement Management] Requirement item could not be moved within requirement tree view by mouse (asimon) - closed. - 0003712: [Reports] Test Cases without Tester Assignment table does always show platform column (Eloff) - closed. - 0003694: [Third party components] Allow multisort on ext-js grid tables (Julian) - closed. - 0002601: [User Interface General] GUI rework:convert tables to use EXT-JS style (Eloff) - closed. - 0003156: [Third party components] tinymce not available at 1st edit (fman) - closed. - 0003708: [Custom fields] Usability improvements for Custom Field Creation/Editing (fman) - closed. - 0003707: [Custom fields] Custom Field edit/create not working right on Internet Explorer (fman) - closed. - 0003532: [General] New Config Parameter to define Test Case Steps Web-Editor (asimon) - closed. - 0003670: [Requirement Version Compare] There is no clear indication about Requirement under work (Julian) - closed. - 0003722: [Reports] Not run Test Cases report requires review (Julian) - closed. - 0003299: [Requirement Management] Overall Requirement based report when using Several requirements levels (asimon) - closed. - 0003132: [Requirement Management] Requirements / Analyse causes crash in Top Req Specification (asimon) - closed. - 0003726: [Test Execute] Last chosen platform and build is not stored on test execution (asimon) - closed. - 0003721: [Reports] Total no. of Test Cases with missing/linked Bugs not working for "Failed/Blocked Test Cases Report" (Julian) - closed. - 0003731: [Reports] Failed / Blocked Test Cases Report needs refactoring (Julian) - closed. - 0003676: [asimon_thesis] Report shows double the records if same test case is assigned to more than 1 build (Julian) - closed. - 0003676: [asimon_thesis] Report shows double the records if same test case is assigned to more than 1 build (Julian) - closed. - 0003723: [Reports] Test Cases without Tester Assignment shows test cases multiple times (fman) - closed. - 0003729: [Database General] testcase::get_by_name fails to get test cases with titles longer than 100 characters (fman) - closed. - 0003237: [Requirement Management] Saving requirement with duplicate ID results in loss of data (fman) - closed. - 0003601: [Requirement Management] Link "Requirement Specification" is shown even if it is not enabled for current project (asimon) - closed. - 0003574: [Test Execute] Crash when clicking on top level node on execution tree. (asimon) - closed. [83 issues] TestLink - 1.9 GA (General Availability) (Not Yet Released) [ View Issues ] =========================================================== - 0003305: [Installer] Data migration from 1.7.5 to 1.8.5 fails with error reported in apace log (fman) - closed. - 0003711: [Reports] Test Cases assigned to me table does always show platform column (Eloff) - closed. - 0003713: [Reports] Test Cases with Custom Fields Info table needs "test suite" and "platform" column" (Eloff) - closed. - 0003206: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] Provide User documentation for 1.9 release (mhavlat) - closed. - 0001755: [New Feature] Feature: Testing infrastructure control (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003188: [Inventory / Platforms] Infrastructure defined in project A is visible in project B (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003185: [Inventory / Platforms] too many different terms (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003184: [General] Coherence bewteen menu feature and feature title (mhavlat) - closed. - 0001772: [Reports] Incorrest Test Case Count in the Report General Test Plan Metrics (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0000752: [Reports] Print test case - Some images are not visible in MS Word. (mhavlat) - closed. - 0001557: [User Interface General] Top menu and navigation enhancement (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003195: [Integration with Other Systems] integration of MantisBT custom issue status (fman) - closed. - 0003264: [Test Specification] The tree does not update itself when I copy a Testcase (fman) - closed. - 0002193: [Reports] General Test Plan Metrics - Test results according to test priorities (Eloff) - closed. [14 issues] TestLink - 1.9 Beta 5 (Released 2010-05-01) [ View Issues ] =========================================== Released 2010-07-02 - 0003260: [Test Execute] Import XML Results is not working with Internet Explorer (fman) - closed. - 0003374: [Test Specification] Many debug information are showed when a test case are imported (fman) - closed. - 0003405: [Test Specification] Navigation Bar - Test Case Search - Crash when search a nonexistent testcase (fman) - closed. - 0003356: [Reports] "Failed Test Cases" report is not updated when a test case has been changed from "Failed" to "Passed" (fman) - closed. - 0003350: [New Feature] [Ergonomy] In execute view, platform selection should be saved and we shoould be able to mask filters independently (asimon) - closed. - 0003429: [Inventory / Platforms] Platforms view - broken image when platform can not be deleted (Julian) - closed. - 0003434: [Test Execute] Performance problems when calling function get_keyword_map() to populate keywords filter (fman) - closed. - 0003309: [Requirement Management] Requirements Export not working (fman) - closed. - 0003471: [General] window.open calls fail when name contains spaces (fman) - closed. - 0003432: [Users and Rights] user edit/creation not possible because of include path error in usersEdit.php (fman) - closed. - 0003189: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Exception while updating test case versions in test plan (fman) - closed. - 0003475: [Export/Import] Import results - XML - possibility to get platform ID and/or BUILD ID from file (fman) - closed. - 0003449: [TL API] addTestCaseToTestPlan() always fails (fman) - closed. - 0003164: [Requirement Management] Requirements XML Import does not work (fman) - closed. - 0002905: [User Interface General] Testlink 1.8.4 over SSL gives Mixed content warnings in IE (fman) - closed. - 0003365: [Export/Import] Import Results - Platform ID is not written (fman) - closed. - 0003115: [New Feature] Make the TestlinkXMLRPCServer class extensible (fman) - closed. - 0001479: [Test Specification] The setting "automatic_tree_refresh=1" is not retained (fman) - closed. - 0003424: [User Interface General] Custom CSS path is being overwritten by config.inc.php value (fix included) (fman) - closed. - 0003232: [Requirement Management] EXPORT / IMPORT XML - use for Requirements same pattern used for test cases (fman) - closed. - 0003276: [Test Execute] Test case execute don't display due to bad Bug Tracking System Integration config (fman) - closed. - 0002169: [Requirement Management] Export of requirements doesn't save Custom Fields (fman) - closed. - 0001871: [Requirement Management] import/export exigence (fman) - closed. - 0003478: [Test Execute] Testcase ID not updated when using save and move next (fman) - closed. - 0002519: [TL API] getTestCasesForTestPlan should return also testcase external ID (fman) - closed. - 0003481: [Test Specification] Preconditions are lost when versioning testcases (fman) - closed. - 0003408: [Test Execute] Search by custom field is always showing SQL Exception on UI when custom field contains # character (fman) - closed. - 0003018: [Requirement Management] Request to add "Import" and "Export Requirement Specifications" function to requirement specifications (fman) - closed. - 0003407: [Requirement Management] Beta 4 Snapshot - Edit Requirements not working (fman) - closed. - 0001777: [Test Execute] TestLink refreshes the execution frame so you have to scroll manually to the next test case (fman) - closed. - 0002341: [Requirement Management] Assign Requirements In TC Unable to open in IE (fman) - closed. - 0001668: [New Feature] Step test cases (Using tables in the Steps function and not using the expected results field) (fman) - closed. - 0003381: [Localization] update for Russian localization (fman) - closed. - 0003377: [Test Specification] Test Case actions aren't removed when created (fman) - closed. - 0003174: [Test Specification] Double creation of steps after exit of step editor (fman) - closed. - 0003175: [Test Specification] Text not cleared when adding new step on testcase (fman) - closed. - 0003152: [Third party components] Editor keeps previous content after creating another testcase (fman) - closed. - 0002932: [General] The page goes blank after uploading a file (fman) - closed. - 0002908: [Test Execute] Cancel button in Import XML Results does not work (fman) - closed. - 0001627: [Reports] Search Test Case by Date of Creation (fman) - closed. - 0002815: [Test Execute] Setting filter in "Test Execute" fails to build tree using EXTJS (asimon) - closed. - 0003533: [Reports] Reports and metrics \ Requirement based report gives error (fman) - closed. - 0003154: [New Feature] Additional search function (asimon) - closed. - 0003180: [New Feature] In Add/Remove test cases to test plan, allow filtering on custom fields (asimon) - closed. - 0003241: [User Interface General] Option to make Steps/Expected Results in the Execution page be vertical or Horizontal (Eloff) - closed. - 0002956: [TL API] createTestCase and addTestCaseToTestPlan functionality (fman) - closed. - 0003553: [Test Execute] The creation of a new build causes a display problem on the tree and on the tests to run. (asimon) - closed. - 0003479: [Custom fields] Bulk Execution - Custom Fields Bulk Assignment (Missing custom fields on testsuite level) (fman) - closed. - 0002408: [TL API] Relation between internal testcaseid,testplanid,projectid,buildid and web based ids in testlink (fman) - closed. - 0003022: [Requirement Management] Option to import and export ALL req spec on a test project (fman) - closed. - 0003318: [User Interface General] Renaming of Features on Main Page (Julian) - closed. - 0003648: [Custom fields] Need to increase the length of Custom Felds (fman) - closed. - 0003392: [Test Specification] Add functionality to "insert step" between already existing steps (fman) - closed. - 0003503: [Event viewer] The filter of Event viewer does not work (fman) - closed. - 0003333: [TL API] UTF8 characters not exported in TL API (fman) - closed. - 0003633: [General] Searching for non existing test case id in the main menu leads to error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function reportFatal()" (fman) - closed. - 0003677: [Internal issue] Search bar 'Test Case ID' allows SQL injection (fman) - closed. - 0003541: [Export/Import] Import requirements with CVS fails (fman) - closed. - 0003499: [User Interface General] Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) - Round corners problems (fman) - closed. - 0003504: [TL API] TL API - PERL SAMPLES (fman) - closed. - 0002806: [TL API] Undefined properties when calling userHasRight (fman) - closed. - 0003492: [Reports] Reports->failed/not run/blocked test cases display: the column "summary" should be "notes" as before (Julian) - closed. - 0003472: [Reports] Charts do not work with platforms (fman) - closed. - 0003523: [Test Execute] Bad performance in execute history (Eloff) - closed. - 0003228: [User Interface General] Improvement of Platform Management GUI (Eloff) - closed. - 0003522: [User Interface General] Only first note visible (Eloff) - closed. - 0003540: [TL API] API - new methods() - doesUserExist(), checkDevKey() (fman) - closed. - 0003538: [Export/Import] Import of testsuite without requirement (fman) - closed. - 0002845: [TL API] buildname option in reportTCResult will never be used (fman) - closed. - 0003302: [asimon_thesis] Filtering by custom fields should be available on: - Assign Test Case execution (asimon) - closed. - 0003301: [asimon_thesis] Test Cases filtering on Custom Field Values on Set Urgent Test Page (asimon) - closed. - 0003303: [asimon_thesis] Filtering by custom fields should be available on: Add / Remove Test Cases (asimon) - closed. - 0002144: [Test Execute] choice "update tree after each change" while executing tests (asimon) - closed. - 0002365: [Test Execute] Add filter capabilities of only showing test cases that have not been run on any builds (asimon) - closed. - 0001588: [New Feature] Execution filter extension (asimon) - closed. - 0003386: [Test Execute] Wrong test case status when selecting a new build (asimon) - closed. - 0003514: [asimon_thesis] Testplan and platform select boxes appear twice under testcase assignment (asimon) - closed. - 0003513: [asimon_thesis] Execute navigation tree can be empty under certain circumstances (asimon) - closed. - 0003413: [Requirement Management] Two "x" appears in Requirement Specification title (fman) - closed. - 0003409: [Third party components] EXT-JS upgrade to 3.2.0 (fman) - closed. - 0003411: [Installer] Notice appears in first intallation (fman) - closed. - 0003417: [Users and Rights] Bad message when reset user password is not possible due to mail config problems (fman) - closed. - 0003430: [Test Project Management] Copy test project crashed if milestone defined WITHOUT start date (fman) - closed. - 0003419: [Test Execute] In "Test result matrix", tests statuses or not colorized (fman) - closed. - 0003418: [Reports] Results in test result matrix shifted (Julian) - closed. - 0003428: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Add capabiliy to copy test plan from previous project (fman) - closed. - 0003438: [Reports] Query Metrics -> Does not display bugs (fman) - closed. - 0003442: [Requirement Management] Import Requirements from XML show empty lines in Import Requirements table (fman) - closed. - 0003445: [Event viewer] Ability to delete events from selected class from event logs (fman) - closed. - 0003446: [Requirement Management] Import CHILD requirements XML - show empty screen (fman) - closed. - 0003458: [TL API] createTestCase() crashed due to SQL error (fman) - closed. - 0003455: [TL API] Missing status string for INVALID_STATUS error. (fman) - closed. - 0003460: [Reports] In "Query metrics" report bug description is not displayed (fman) - closed. - 0003454: [TL API] Extending the TestlinkXMLRPCServer class (fman) - closed. - 0003456: [TL API] Missing version parameter for PARAMETER_NOT_INT error. (fman) - closed. - 0003457: [TL API] createTestcase returns an external id which isn't the external id (fman) - closed. - 0003465: [Test Project Management] Delete Test Project - User Execution Assignment is not deleted (fman) - closed. - 0003461: [Reports] Test Result Matrix report is not sent by email (fman) - closed. - 0003464: [Test Project Management] Delete Test Project crash when inventory exist - Postrgres SQL (fman) - closed. - 0003447: [Requirement Management] CVS Import child requirements - support same data than XML format (fman) - closed. - 0003474: [Reports] Link to test case in Query Metrics Report is broken if using platforms (fman) - closed. - 0003480: [Test Specification] Assign Test Case to Test Plan from test spec screen allow link DIFFERENT tc versions to test plan (fman) - closed. - 0003473: [Test Specification] Show Test Cases newest versions -> fatal error (fman) - closed. - 0003466: [Test Execute] Test Execution frame not displayed (fman) - closed. - 0003436: [Users and Rights] Role Mgmt - add "Inventory Mgmt" to any user fails (fman) - closed. - 0003498: [Database General] get_by_name method of testsuite class is missing a clause in it's query string (fman) - closed. - 0003495: [Requirement Management] Requirements Bulk Assignment crash. (fman) - closed. - 0003491: [Test Specification] reorder steps dose not work on internet explorer (fman) - closed. - 0003440: [Reports] Can not generate Results->Test Report (fman) - closed. - 0003485: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] "Create from existing Test Plan" always copies builds, even though you uncheck the related check box "Copy Builds" (fman) - closed. - 0003448: [Reports] Test Report generates all results as "Not Run" (fman) - closed. - 0003511: [TL API] reportTCResult does not update tcversion (fman) - closed. - 0003509: [Installer] Domxml doesn't seem to be present. Importing XML stuff will not work! (fman) - closed. - 0003506: [Test Specification] Test Case search by REQ DOC ID - crashes (fman) - closed. - 0003490: [Test Specification] Can not search a test case after Req.Doc ID (Julian) - closed. - 0003435: [Test Project Management] Create Project - Copying Project Data Fails When Requirements Mgmt is enabled (fman) - closed. - 0003536: [Custom fields] During execution, Custom fields are not shown after 'Save and move to next' functionality (fman) - closed. - 0003542: [Reports] Type in code of resultsGeneral.php (Eloff) - closed. - 0003255: [Integration with Other Systems] Bugtracker Integration on result pages (Eloff) - closed. - 0003486: [asimon_thesis] In the execute page, tree doesn't update when you change "Test Plan" in the "Setting" panel (asimon) - closed. - 0003414: [asimon_thesis] Filter by Custom Fields do not retain value after apply (asimon) - closed. - 0003502: [asimon_thesis] The filter "Apply" operation would lost "feature" arguments, (asimon) - closed. - 0003545: [Localization] Localization files not UTF-8 encoded (Julian) - closed. - 0002177: [Localization] Different code pages in different elements of GUI (Julian) - closed. - 0002888: [Database Postgres] Execute Tests: ERROR ON exec_query() by filtering of priority - closed. - 0001607: [Reports] XML import/export doesn't contain custom fields (fman) - closed. - 0001439: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Show Test Cases newest versions : Linked version" = 2 "Newest available active" version = 1 ? (fman) - closed. - 0002906: [Users and Rights] It´s not possible to delete user (fman) - closed. - 0003213: [Internal issue] Obsolete configuration (fman) - closed. - 0003360: [Localization] Translation in brazilian portuguese (pt-br) (fman) - closed. - 0003214: [Localization] French translation is complete (fman) - closed. [131 issues] TestLink - 1.9 Beta 4 (Released 2010-04-04) [ View Issues ] =========================================== Released 20100501 - 0003057: [Integration with Other Systems] Can't add bug id on test case execution (for Bugzilla) (fman) - closed. - 0003058: [Test Execute] Test case execution page is not properly formatted (fman) - closed. - 0003059: [Test Specification] Test case is displayed in Specification without applying font formating (fman) - closed. - 0003484: [TL API] tl.addTestCaseToTestPlan not working. no errors was shown. But Testcases not in assigned testplan after adding. (fman) - closed. - 0001413: [Requirement Management] Double instances of requirements on import (fman) - closed. - 0002754: [User Interface General] Space is not working in view mode. - Formatting Style not maintained (fman) - closed. - 0003507: [Users and Rights] User locale cannot be set with option "Personal" (fman) - closed. - 0001752: [New Feature] Comments field for requirements and test cases is expected - using Custom fields not possible due to lenght limits (fman) - closed. - 0003527: [Test Specification] Need for a Test Case Specification URI (Julian) - closed. - 0003355: [User Interface General] A user can not be deleted from the list (fman) - closed. - 0003415: [Users and Rights] Not possible reset user password (fman) - closed. - 0002741: [Test Execute] Failed to Assigan Project User Roles - closed. - 0001205: [Test Specification] Import with existing TC update (fman) - closed. - 0001914: [New Feature] Maybe a work around for problem when loading a full suite. (fman) - closed. - 0002035: [Custom fields] multiselection list with more than 254 characters (fman) - closed. - 0001433: [Requirement Management] Implement requirements versioning and baseline (fman) - closed. - 0001249: [User Interface General] When searching test-case --> result does not show the test-suite where the test-case is in (fman) - closed. - 0000673: [Test Specification] Test case order when imported from file. (fman) - closed. - 0001187: [Custom fields] Export custom fields also - as an option (fman) - closed. - 0003143: [Test Specification] TestCase copy crash TestLink. (fman) - closed. - 0002407: [General] Error when viewing test case specification (fman) - closed. - 0003137: [Requirement Management] Change of Requirement Specification Types (asimon) - closed. - 0001794: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] The Test Plan assign page doesn't return correct results when Assigned to Parameter is used. - closed. - 0003225: [Test Specification] Step-by-step TC: All steps must be visible during "Edit a step" action. (fman) - closed. - 0003402: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] List of Milestone don't show all data (fman) - closed. - 0003003: [Requirement Management] EXTJS does not count # req's (fman) - closed. - 0003248: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Date field is not appropriate for build (fman) - closed. - 0003243: [TL API] Unable to use reportTCResult due to an error in platform management (fman) - closed. - 0003249: [Users and Rights] Role Assignment Option replicated in Edit Admin Role View (fman) - closed. - 0003253: [Test Specification] Missing Parameter in func get_step_numbers in testcase.class.php line 4116 (fman) - closed. - 0003235: [Reports] Printing Out Test Report Shows empty Column Headers for "Steps" and "Step Actions" (fman) - closed. - 0003239: [Reports] Weird order on "Test Cases with Custom Fields info" (asimon) - closed. - 0002454: [Test Execute] Execution history formatting problems when showing results for all builds (Julian) - closed. - 0003256: [Integration with Other Systems] Bugtracker Integration: Adding Bug fails due to missing function in child classes (Julian) - closed. - 0003098: [Integration with Other Systems] Not possible to add bug in Jira using bug mangement system from Testlink. (Julian) - closed. - 0003267: [Reports] Requirements based Report - number alignment (fman) - closed. - 0003254: [Requirement Management] requirement_mgr->get_by_id(): parameter LATEST_VERSION doesn't have any effect (fman) - closed. - 0003275: [General] Steps and Expected Results not displayed in Firefox 3.6, when editing (fman) - closed. - 0003272: [Users and Rights] Large URL header when large number of users in User Role Assignments (Eloff) - closed. - 0003287: [Integration with Other Systems] JIRASOAP - Bug ID does not exists (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003315: [Requirement Management] import of existing requirements failed (fman) - closed. - 0003281: [Test Specification] Checkbox to Export Test Cases with/without Custom Field info (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003271: [Users and Rights] Filter out the inactive users for assign roles on test projects and test plans (Eloff) - closed. - 0003312: [Requirement Management] Audit msg for Req. Freeze display internal ID as version instead of version number (asimon) - closed. - 0003227: [Requirement Management] New Feature Requirement Overview (asimon) - closed. - 0003316: [Test Specification] requirements not visible in Testcase view by edit testspecification (asimon) - closed. - 0003307: [Requirement Management] Disable Expected requirement coverage (asimon) - closed. - 0003321: [Requirement Management] In results area, Php error when Requirements based Report chosen (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003346: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] The Database doesnt update the value of date when a TC is reassigned to some one else (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003345: [General] Display Test Case aging time period or Assigned and Due Since (days) (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0001748: [Requirement Management] Requirement Management need to be improved with requirement relations between requirements (asimon) - closed. - 0003324: [Users and Rights] Error while deleting user (fman) - closed. - 0003337: [Test Specification] New feature (add test case steps) enhancement due to user friendly. (fman) - closed. - 0002645: [TL API] New method GetTestsuitesforTestsuite (fman) - closed. - 0003334: [General] Search Test Cases returns no results (fman) - closed. - 0003329: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] "Test Plan usage" in "Specification" test case view does not show all affected test plans (Eloff) - closed. - 0003359: [Test Specification] Copy Test Case Step (fman) - closed. - 0003066: [Internal issue] Upgrade ADODB to 5.10 (fman) - closed. - 0003363: [New Feature] Contribution: Add 'and' keyword filtering capability in Execution tab (Julian) - closed. - 0003331: [Export/Import] Adding bugID report through Import XML result (fman) - closed. - 0003067: [Requirement Management] Generation of Requirement Specification Document (asimon) - closed. - 0003108: [Requirement Management] Generate Document must print tree like TC (asimon) - closed. - 0003326: [Test Specification] Editing a test step: execution type always "Manual" (fman) - closed. - 0002434: [Reports] Problem with printing Requirement Specification for a child node (asimon) - closed. - 0003236: [Test Specification] Creating new testcase version based on internal id instead of name (fman) - closed. - 0003364: [Export/Import] Contribution: Be able to export execution_type (fman) - closed. - 0003361: [Requirement Management] FatalError after trying to assign requirements to an empty test suite (fman) - closed. - 0003370: [Reports] TestPlan Combobox in Report page with many deactivated TestPlans is not easy to handle (fman) - closed. - 0003295: [Custom fields] Assigning "datetime" Custom Field to Test Case produces Error (fman) - closed. - 0002795: [Export/Import] Execution_type could not be imported (fman) - closed. - 0003371: [Test Specification] Search Test Cases based on Test Importance (fman) - closed. - 0003367: [Test Specification] Error after trying to copy a test case that the name is in the size limit. (fman) - closed. - 0002797: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] When ADD/REMOVE test cases to test plan, test cases could not be filtered by execution type (fman) - closed. - 0003380: [Test Execute] Test Case Execution - Filtered by execution type (fman) - closed. - 0003378: [Requirement Management] Type of requirement are no translated (fman) - closed. - 0003385: [TL API] New Function: getTestPlanPlatforms (fman) - closed. - 0003387: [Users and Rights] User with role tester can delete test cases (fman) - closed. - 0003252: [Test Specification] On Pressing Cancel the Create Test Case Step doesnt go away (fman) - closed. - 0002376: [Users and Rights] Does not displaying test cases if user of that test cases is deleted (fman) - closed. - 0002498: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Add test case to test plan - Filter Test Cases based on Test Importance (fman) - closed. - 0002990: [Reports] Test Results Fatal error: Call to a member function buildViewBugLink() in lib/functions/exec.inc.php on line 223 (fman) - closed. - 0003376: [Test Specification] Remove link in test case action name (fman) - closed. - 0003379: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Assign Test Case Execution - Filter regarding on build may be can be removed (Julian) - closed. - 0003398: [Installer] Got php notice error when try to install the 1.9b3 version;while install/migration/index.php is OK (Julian) - closed. - 0003069: [Reports] Report "Failed Test Cases" not work (fman) - closed. - 0003399: [Export/Import] Test importance not well imported (fman) - closed. - 0003025: [Localization] German (de_DE) strings.txt - Scripted update according en_GB string file (version: 1.606) (Julian) - closed. - 0003391: [Test Specification] Search by Custom fields always give no results (fman) - closed. - 0003396: [Users and Rights] Reset Password sends email with xml tags, password doesn't work (fman) - closed. [89 issues] TestLink - 1.9 Beta 3 (Released 2010-03-03) [ View Issues ] =========================================== - 0003126: [Test Project Management] Request the ability to copy test project and data associate to it (fman) - closed. - 0003109: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Update TC versions, click on TC causes Crash (fman) - closed. - 0003118: [General] Help files are not getting opened when selected in the dropdown (fman) - closed. - 0003008: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] TL 1.9 (DEV) - Update Linked Test Case Version not working for single Test Case (fman) - closed. - 0003104: [Requirement Management] Analyse req.spec produces fatal error (fman) - closed. - 0003121: [Reports] Adding Platform to test plan after the execution completed, reports are not shown appropriate (fman) - closed. - 0003123: [Reports] General Test Plan Metrics - order of columns with test case exec results (fman) - closed. - 0003099: [Custom fields] The Custom Fields on Test Execution page are not displayed when I set these fields in Test Plan Design (fman) - closed. - 0003001: [User Interface General] Unable to generate API keys in HEAD (fman) - closed. - 0002451: [Internal issue] Update smarty component (fman) - closed. - 0002753: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Error while editing an existing test plan (fman) - closed. - 0002572: [Requirement Management] Test Case creation from the Requirement documents causes sql error (fman) - closed. - 0002189: [Requirement Management] Copy requirements (fman) - closed. - 0002047: [Custom fields] Custom fields are shown strangely during "add to test plan" and "execute" process (fman) - closed. - 0002163: [Test Specification] Create test case with same title, after submit, all data lost (fman) - closed. - 0003095: [TL API] getTestCasesForTestSuite return values (fman) - closed. - 0002757: [TL API] API method "updateTestCase" not available (fman) - closed. - 0003125: [Users and Rights] If the User(in a role) is not having rights to view/mgmt of platform no message to tell user (fman) - closed. - 0002642: [Reports] Platforms feature (fman) - closed. - 0003140: [TL API] Access to an unitialized object "$testCaseMgr" in the function _checkTCIDAndTPIDValid in the file /lib/api/xmlrpc.php (fman) - closed. - 0003133: [Installer] MySQL migration from 1.8 to 1.9 fails on Linux (fman) - closed. - 0003139: [Test Specification] Test Suite Copy - Custom Fields copy (fman) - closed. - 0003130: [Test Specification] TestSuite: Edit - rename Test Suite Name causes PHP Fatal Error (fman) - closed. - 0003129: [User Interface General] After login failure blank page is displayed (fman) - closed. - 0003060: [Reports] Empty Priority test progress in General Test Plan Matrix report (Eloff) - closed. - 0002887: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] The installation page link to the readme file is broken (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003150: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] "Bulk user assignment" on "Assign testcase execution" doesn't work anymore (fman) - closed. - 0003147: [Test Project Management] Delete test project with requirements defined crashed with memory exhausted (fman) - closed. - 0003089: [Requirement Management] Req versions new attribute is_open (asimon) - closed. - 0002167: [Requirement Management] Tree management of req-s does not apply to export/import, print, create test case, etc. (fman) - closed. - 0003165: [Test Execute] Refactor resultsImport.php to use simpleXML functions (fman) - closed. - 0003103: [User Interface General] after time out message, user can still continue (Eloff) - closed. - 0003158: [Reports] "Array" instead of platform name (fman) - closed. - 0003157: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] It's not possible to reassign a testcase when a user is already assigned (Eloff) - closed. - 0003166: [Users and Rights] Platform rights are not defined (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003173: [Custom fields] The Custom Fields on Test Execution page are not displayed when I set these fields in Test Plan Design (fman) - closed. - 0003160: [Reports] Query Metrics -> Information shifted and volumn missing (Eloff) - closed. - 0002541: [Reports] Empty Rows printed if Query results is run with specific criteria (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0003202: [General] inventory id rights refactored to follow defacto standard (fman) - closed. - 0003186: [Inventory / Platforms] feedback message when deleting can have name of deleted host (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003162: [Custom fields] custom field of type checkbox cannot be unchecked, if checked before (fman) - closed. - 0003183: [Inventory / Platforms] Create infrastructure with existent HOST NAME results in progress bar never ending (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003187: [Inventory / Platforms] Edit infrastructure CLEAN HOST and save => operation never ends (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003197: [Inventory / Platforms] Inventory values are not displayed after saving (mhavlat) - closed. - 0002697: [Requirement Management] Can not export Test Requirement Specification (fman) - closed. - 0003161: [Reports] Charts - Charts missing? (fman) - closed. - 0003199: [Inventory / Platforms] Add MAXLENGTH on HOST and IP fields (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003201: [Inventory / Platforms] Missing error/warning message (some jx error) (mhavlat) - closed. - 0002886: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] readme missing config_db.inc.php (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003203: [Test Specification] Testcase export XML - keyword element generated when keywords does not exist (fman) - closed. - 0003223: [Test Project Management] Delete Project causes crash (fman) - closed. - 0002999: [User Interface General] Direct Link to Testlink items from outside Testlink (asimon) - closed. - 0003159: [Reports] Query Metrics -> platform name missing (Eloff) - closed. - 0003217: [General] Bulleted list or a Numbered list in the FCK or TinyMCE editor isn't visable when viewing the saved Test Case (Eloff) - closed. - 0003231: [General] Session timeout throwing 404 error (Eloff) - closed. - 0003205: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Save platform when add/remove test cases and NO Platform defined (Eloff) - closed. - 0003233: [Test Specification] After test suite edit, display of Test suite do not have upload button enabled for attachment (fman) - closed. - 0003229: [Reports] Platforms export content (fman) - closed. - 0003215: [Reports] viewing the metrics for a set of executed test cases reports the platform as "Array" (fman) - closed. - 0002175: [Localization] The Test Case was generated from the assigned requirement. - cannot be localized (asimon) - closed. - 0001927: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] filter on keyword - Filter tree when add/remove testcases - KO (fman) - closed. - 0002251: [Requirement Management] exporting of requirements does not include order of requirement (fman) - closed. - 0003049: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Remove test case execution assignments for complete testplan (asimon) - closed. - 0003226: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Test Case execution Assignment - Assignment of single test case not possible (fman) - closed. - 0002299: [Keywords] keyword filter in the Test-Specification Navigator didn't work (fman) - closed. - 0002707: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] After closing a SW-Built, I cannot see the notes-window (fman) - closed. - 0003011: [Test Specification] priority is not copied when copying testcases (fman) - closed. - 0003181: [Test Specification] From test case specification, after adding the test case to test a plan with platforms, platforms are not displayed (fman) - closed. - 0001854: [General] Including a | (pipe) in the summary of the test case does not give an error (fman) - closed. - 0002977: [Requirement Management] Internal Links for Requirements and Requirement Specifications (asimon) - closed. - 0002455: [Test Execute] Improvement of execution and test case execution assignment filters (asimon) - closed. - 0003026: [Test Execute] "Filter & Settings" do not effect the "Test case execution" frame (asimon) - closed. - 0003171: [Test Specification] Error when importing test suite linked to requirements. (fman) - closed. - 0003393: [Test Project Management] Erro ao clicar/abrir no link Test Project Management (fman) - closed. - 0003211: [Installer] upgrading from 1.8 database to 1.9 fails with Failed opening required '.\migration\migrate_18...' - closed. [75 issues] TestLink - 1.9 Beta 1 (Released 2010-01-06) [ View Issues ] =========================================== - 0003244: [Integration with Other Systems] can't support php5.3 (fman) - closed. - 0003389: [New Feature] Ned to add the "Pre-condition" as a default field for test cases (fman) - closed. [2 issues] TestLink - 1.9 Beta 2 (Released 2009-12-02) [ View Issues ] =========================================== The next major release is target version for the most wanted new features. - 0003679: [Database General] Bug detected function exec_query in file database.class.php (fman) - closed. - 0001662: [Third party components] Ext Js - Update to 2.2 (fman) - closed. - 0002893: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Platforms feature - Export/import on XML (fman) - closed. - 0002158: [TL API] getTestCaseCustomFieldDesignValue returns no value (fman) - closed. - 0002232: [TL API] An API Call to create Test Suites (fman) - closed. - 0000797: [Reports] Custom fields in Results (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0002206: [Reports] Option to enable / disable printing of Custom Fields in Test Report (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0002207: [Reports] Display linked bugs in Test Report for failed test cases. (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0001880: [User Interface General] Delete confirmation dialog of attachemnts is not consistent with most other delete confirmation dialog (no ext.js) used (schlundus) - closed. - 0002247: [Test Execute] Add additional option for show test cases within test suite (fman) - closed. - 0002156: [Reports] Query Metrics Report shows all results for each test case (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0002255: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] default execution order is not logically when adding test cases to a test plan (fman) - closed. - 0002289: [Event viewer] WARNING: String 'import_results' is not localized for 'en_GB' (fman) - closed. - 0000497: [New Feature] It should be possible to design and execute test cases simultaneously (fman) - closed. - 0002364: [Test Execute] Ability to edit a test case during execution (fman) - closed. - 0000192: [New Feature] User should be able to edit the test case while executing it (fman) - closed. - 0002414: [Custom fields] Add online check to control that qty of characters on TEXT AREA CF can be written to DB (fman) - closed. - 0002422: [Test Specification] Checkbox to select all Test Cases while moving/copying between Test Suites (fman) - closed. - 0001983: [TL API] Patch files for TestLink 1.8(RC2) XML-RPC (fman) - closed. - 0002363: [Reports] Report - display test cases not added to at least one testplan (fman) - closed. - 0002309: [Requirement Management] Requirement ID missing (fman) - closed. - 0002359: [Custom fields] When editing Custom Fields, display test projects where custom field has been assigned (fman) - closed. - 0002369: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Add new fields to testplan_tcversions table in order to understand when tcversion was added to test plan (fman) - closed. - 0002378: [Test Specification] Add to test plan does not have option to 'Add test plan' if plan does not exist (fman) - closed. - 0002442: [Users and Rights] Add Bulk Assignment on Assign Test Project Roles and Assign Test Plan Roles (fman) - closed. - 0002441: [TL API] new methods - getTestProjectByName(), getTestPlanByName() (fman) - closed. - 0001009: [Users and Rights] After assigning testproject-role "admin" to user it cannot assign testproject-roles to other users (fman) - closed. - 0002417: [Users and Rights] Project admin should be able to assign users to own project (fman) - closed. - 0001907: [Third party components] Tree management component - Leave only EXT-JS (schlundus) - closed. - 0002499: [New Feature] Integration with BTS - JIRA using SOAP-XML (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0002494: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Manage Build release date (fman) - closed. - 0002518: [TL API] New function: getTestCaseByExtId() (fman) - closed. - 0002578: [Reports] Insert blank space between test cases in HTML Test Specification Document (mhavlat) - closed. - 0002198: [User Interface General] Test Suite was successfully Delete! (schlundus) - closed. - 0002174: [Localization] Hardcoded strings in GUI, that cannot be localized or removed (schlundus) - closed. - 0002598: [TL API] New methid - createTestPlan() (fman) - closed. - 0002543: [General] Prefilling the Test Case ID search box seems not as useful. as seems (schlundus) - closed. - 0002610: [Database MySQL] Performance issue in Report "Test Cases not assigned to Any Test Plan" due to inperformant SQL query (schlundus) - closed. - 0002583: [Users and Rights] Lost password feature : not very user-friendly password is sent (mhavlat) - closed. - 0002653: [Localization] Variable assigned the same value twice (schlundus) - closed. - 0002608: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] DocBook documentation for inputparameter* (schlundus) - closed. - 0002660: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Show priority in assign view (mhavlat) - closed. - 0002614: [Database MySQL] [TL1.9] Schema Changes: DB 1.3 (mhavlat) - closed. - 0002544: [Custom fields] Extra space when creating custom fields (fman) - closed. - 0002728: [Internal issue] get_full_path_verbose crush when one of the items does not exist (fman) - closed. - 0001155: [Database General] builds table should have a date or timestamp field (fman) - closed. - 0002726: [Test Execute] [DEV] History of all executions have broken SQL (fman) - closed. - 0002625: [User Interface General] Contribution: Modifications on custom field (display order modified) (fman) - closed. - 0002492: [TL API] TestLink API 'reportTCResult' should allow custom field results to be imported (fman) - closed. - 0002521: [Requirement Management] Test case coverage under the requirement container is static, i.e not href (fman) - closed. - 0002758: [TL API] make getTestCasesForTestPlan() accept keywords also by name (fman) - closed. - 0002767: [Localization] Duplicate testsuite name error message issue (fman) - closed. - 0002801: [Users and Rights] reset password email appends 'If' to the password in the email so it fails for the user (schlundus) - closed. - 0002612: [Internal issue] Add debug footer with certain performance counters (schlundus) - closed. - 0002661: [Reports] Show priorities in result matrix (Eloff) - closed. - 0002452: [User Interface General] Delete confirmation dlg when deleting executionbugs is not consistent with other delete confirmation dialog (no ext.js) used (schlundus) - closed. - 0002799: [User Interface General] Invalid URL will be displayed on logout after session expires (schlundus) - closed. - 0002786: [User Interface General] Missing baseCls: 'x-tl-panel' property in main page menu boxes ? (schlundus) - closed. - 0002807: [User Interface General] Keyword-Deletion-Confirmation Dialog doesn't show the keyword name (schlundus) - closed. - 0002668: [Reports] Upgrade of result matrix (Eloff) - closed. - 0002759: [Localization] Get the following error when sending e-mails - String 'charset' is not localized for 'en_GB' (schlundus) - closed. - 0002501: [Reports] Requirements Report enhancement to include doc_id (schlundus) - closed. - 0002083: [General] eregXXX calls should be avoided (schlundus) - closed. - 0001953: [General] Deprecated: Function ereg_replace() is deprecated in D:\tl_dev\testlink\lib\functions\lang_api.php on line 171 (fman) - closed. - 0002818: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Test Plan Drop-down does not resize to fit name correctly. (schlundus) - closed. - 0001137: [New Feature] Instaler: Add automatically database table name prefix (fman) - closed. - 0002704: [Test Execute] Test Suite Details are not viewable in "Execute Mode" (fman) - closed. - 0002254: [Test Execute] [Execute Tests] Issues when trying to execute tests just shows the circular icon and nothing happens (fman) - closed. - 0002300: [General] Failed opening required 'Users.class.php' (fman) - closed. - 0002778: [Custom fields] custom fields are filled with blanks (fman) - closed. - 0002581: [Test Specification] Number of Characterts at Custom Field not updated (fman) - closed. - 0002425: [Custom fields] Custom fields not displayed on expected places (fman) - closed. - 0002606: [General] file "custom_config.inc.php" should NOT be in distro (mhavlat) - closed. - 0002796: [New Feature] contribution: add start_time to configuration (same as start_date_offset) to resultsMoreBuilds.php (fman) - closed. - 0002468: [TL API] method reportTCResult() reset the test case's result. (fman) - closed. - 0002067: [User Interface General] Impossible to resize the navigation tree window. (schlundus) - closed. - 0001170: [Custom fields] Change the order of display of custom fields on the screen implementing tests (fman) - closed. - 0002427: [Custom fields] Custom fields shown two times (fman) - closed. - 0002246: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Custom field duplicated in the test case report and it is not underlined (fman) - closed. - 0000846: [Reports] Contribution - New fields to the reports (fman) - closed. - 0002847: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Contribution - Copy Tester Assignment when creating test plan from existent one (fman) - closed. - 0002851: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Contribution - Set Assign To on Add to Test Case(s) page (fman) - closed. - 0002825: [0 - Undefined] CVS HEAD 20090831 - maxlife* variables (mhavlat) - closed. - 0002722: [Reports] no option to sort the execution results in Result Reports (fman) - closed. - 0002850: [Test Execute] Contribution - Improve UI for bulk update of Test Execution (fman) - closed. - 0002861: [Users and Rights] Send mail to administrators when a new account is created (fman) - closed. - 0002894: [General] Better user defined template configuration (fman) - closed. - 0002862: [Event viewer] Option to see the event viewer results for a specific user (amitkhullar) - closed. - 0002895: [User Interface General] testsuite description is not visible in execute TAB (fman) - closed. - 0002892: [Test Execute] I can't see the results of old builds (fman) - closed. - 0002898: [New Feature] Activate ldap tls authentication (fman) - closed. - 0002872: [Localization] en_us missing some strings (fman) - closed. - 0002917: [Charts] Pie Chart for platforms feature (fman) - closed. - 0002662: [Database General] SQL error in execute view (Eloff) - closed. - 0002500: [Reports] query Metrics with 'assigned to' and 'show execution of status' set, the result is not what is expected (fman) - closed. - 0002937: [New Feature] add/remove test case hover over test case tooltip replacement with summary (fman) - closed. - 0002957: [Custom fields] "Characters left"-function does not work for custom field textarea (fman) - closed. - 0002963: [New Feature] Template for Builds (Julian) - closed. - 0002965: [New Feature] Template for Requirements (Julian) - closed. - 0002966: [New Feature] Template for Requirement Specifications (Julian) - closed. - 0002961: [New Feature] Template for Test Projects (Julian) - closed. - 0002962: [New Feature] Template for Test Plans (Julian) - closed. - 0002968: [New Feature] Template for Execution (Julian) - closed. - 0002970: [New Feature] Template for Testcases (fman) - closed. - 0002974: [TL API] getTestCaseIDByName method doesn't seem to support hierarchy of testsuites ... (fman) - closed. - 0002964: [New Feature] Template for User Role (Julian) - closed. - 0002605: [New Feature] Test Case modification during test execution (fman) - closed. - 0002554: [New Feature] Usefull colors in usersAssign section (fman) - closed. - 0002949: [TL API] update test case result (fman) - closed. - 0001617: [New Feature] XML import/export of test-cases with custom field (fman) - closed. - 0002896: [Custom fields] Undefined index:-in .../testlink/lib/functions/cfield_mgr.class.php - line 641 (fman) - closed. - 0002792: [User Interface General] Usuability when deleting/unlinking platform (Eloff) - closed. - 0002940: [Reports] Query Parameters of query metrex doesn't work (fman) - closed. - 0002023: [Reports] Filter "executed by" in Query Metrics (fman) - closed. - 0002992: [Internal issue] deprecated php function and warnings (fman) - closed. - 0002621: [Database General] Table prefix is not used by all scripts (fman) - closed. - 0002950: [TL API] TL API functions only seem to work with PHP client and not any other clients (fman) - closed. - 0002995: [Requirement Management] TL 1.9 - create testcases from requirement - missing value for preconditions (fman) - closed. - 0002469: [Test Execute] CFG-Parameters to show notes/details on test-execution (Julian) - closed. - 0002702: [Requirement Management] It can not move an existed Requirement Specifications to another (fman) - closed. - 0003002: [Localization] The word 'Design' is misspelled (fman) - closed. - 0002870: [Test Specification] Search according to execution type (fman) - closed. - 0002998: [New Feature] Contribution: API - added getTestSuiteByID(), reportTCResult(), now accepts custom fields as an optional parameter (fman) - closed. - 0000342: [New Feature] Save session configuration (Eloff) - closed. - 0002603: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] Code description must be phpDoc compliant (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003015: [Localization] Contribution:The total translations of TestLink into Chinese (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003023: [Requirement Management] Configure management at User Interface level of expected coverage based on req, type (fman) - closed. - 0003021: [General] Testcase search function returns empty if testproject prefix contains "glue character", eg: '-' (Eloff) - closed. - 0003020: [Test Project Management] When trying to edit notes on e test project, the editor is always empty (fman) - closed. - 0002916: [Test Specification] Spelling/Grammatical corrections to Getting Started Area (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003000: [Requirement Management] Type Field for Requirements and Requirement Specifications (fman) - closed. - 0002800: [User Interface General] Test Executions Filter pane is closed (Eloff) - closed. - 0003043: [Users and Rights] User Info -> API Interface -> Generate a new key does not work (fman) - closed. - 0002036: [User Interface General] GUI: Check exiting window with modified content (Eloff) - closed. - 0003042: [Test Specification] Two radio buttons appear in compare Versioning. (fman) - closed. - 0003040: [Test Specification] $args(object) is created upon creating a new test case and also creating a new version (fman) - closed. - 0003041: [Test Specification] Editing test case is not possible (fman) - closed. - 0003016: [New Feature] Comparison of testcases (and requirement) versions (asimon) - closed. - 0003034: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] Set urgent tests page does not reflect original urgency (mhavlat) - closed. - 0002663: [Database General] Show stack trace on SQL error to easier find the bad code (fman) - closed. - 0003061: [Test Specification] Can't add test case to test plan from specification page (fman) - closed. - 0003048: [Test Project Management] Home missing when first time project is created (fman) - closed. - 0002343: [Custom fields] CF_ESTIMATED_EXEC_TIME does not get displaid (fman) - closed. - 0003063: [Custom fields] Behaviour of dropdownlists by creating/editing Custom Fields (fman) - closed. - 0003019: [Requirement Management] Requirement Versioning (fman) - closed. - 0003084: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] When using platforms after assign tests, layout display columns not aligned (Eloff) - closed. - 0002976: [Requirement Management] Requirement / Requirement Specification Search (Julian) - closed. - 0003082: [Installer] Reinstall on same DB fails (fman) - closed. - 0003064: [General] Assign test case to test plan right after test case has been edited should not display inactive test plans (fman) - closed. - 0003077: [Test Specification] Preconditions missing on Search Test Cases (fman) - closed. - 0003086: [Test Specification] After execution of testcase, a new version should be created before editing test steps (fman) - closed. - 0003079: [Reports] Testing Notes does no formatting of the text entered (mhavlat) - closed. - 0002791: [Custom fields] Maxsize of Custom field design value is always varchar(255) no matter what type it is defined to. (fman) - closed. - 0003090: [Test Specification] Delete test case is not working on CVS HEAD (fman) - closed. - 0003088: [User Interface General] When session times out in background, let the user renew session without risking losing data (Eloff) - closed. - 0002482: [User Interface General] After time-out period all text that you have entered to new test case, after re-Log In disappear (Eloff) - closed. - 0001598: [Test Specification] Test case thrown out upon creation, login dialog appeared (Eloff) - closed. - 0002938: [New Feature] Save execution and next in test case execution (fman) - closed. - 0001858: [Test Specification] Number of test cases is not shown when searching for test cases by keywords or text (schlundus) - closed. - 0002652: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Update all Testcases to latest Version should show all latest Versions (Julian) - closed. - 0002530: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Cannot set urgency for individual test cases within a test suite (mhavlat) - closed. - 0002996: [Requirement Management] Improvment to "Create Test Cases from Requirements" Feature (asimon) - closed. - 0003068: [Test Execute] "Save and move to next" button on Executions page selects previous case (fman) - closed. - 0002922: [General] Changes lost if TestLink idle for a while (Eloff) - closed. - 0003111: [User Interface General] Popup window of Requirement from TC execution has no scroll down (fman) - closed. - 0002692: [Test Execute] Not possible to find TCs based on last result (e.g. cannot find failed TCs that need re-run) (fman) - closed. - 0003004: [Third party components] Trees using EXTJS - window size is fixed format (mhavlat) - closed. - 0003071: [Test Specification] Creating new test case and editing exsiting test case fails. - closed. - 0000043: [New Feature] [SF 1241176 ] Unable to open up test case in new window anymore - closed. - 0002834: [Database MySQL] [Tl1.9 (Dev)] - ERROR ON exec_query() - database.class.php 1054 - Unknown column 'tcversions.preconditions' in 'field list' - closed. - 0002615: [Test Execute] ????? (schlundus) - closed. [171 issues] TestLink - 1.8.5 (bug fixing) ============================= - 0002927: [Third party software components] Upgrade FCKEditor for supporting Safari and avoiding data loss (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002678: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] The Charts text are not displayed correctly (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002901: [User Interface General] Saving a test case will exit editing mode with a pop up window (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002947: [General] HTML tags stripping (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002993: [Internal issue] Error in configuration (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002975: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Space missing for SQL concatenation (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002909: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] existing spelled wrong as "exesting" (mhavlat) - resolved. TestLink - 1.8.4 (bug fixing) ============================= - 0002325: [Database Postgres] Cannot upgrade from 1.7.x to 1.8.0 with PostgreSQL (toshi) - resolved. - 0002694: [Test Specification] Warning in Event Viewer when edit Test Case (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002765: [Requirement Management] Printing Issue (schlundus) - resolved. - 0000494: [User Interface General] navigating away from a page looses changes (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002736: [Test Execute] SQL error when searching for unassigned testcases (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002783: [General] Error when modify the title of test case (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002561: [General] Admin cannot assign user role to a project (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002672: [Internal issue] Demo configuration (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002827: [Test Execute] Edit note on a test case => error if note contains a ' (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002819: [Requirement Management] Uncovered or not-testable requirements metric on Analysis page appears is not functional (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002824: [Localization] String 'charset' is not localized for 'en_GB' (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002699: [Database Postgres] Update of 1.7 to 1.8 fails because connect_2_db() is MySQL specific (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002781: [Keywords] can't copy keywords of every testcase when copying testsuite (fman) - resolved. - 0002776: [TL API] getTestSuitesForTestPlan does not work with postgres version 8 databases (fman) - resolved. - 0002486: [Test Specification] Cannot "Generate test specification document" - the tree of testcases is empty, while it is not in "Specification" (fman) - resolved. - 0002763: [Database MySQL] MySQL error on exec_query() - database.class.php (fman) - resolved. - 0002766: [Test Execute] Event warning by execution view (fman) - resolved. - 0002755: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Problem with Creating the Test Plan (fman) - resolved. - 0002577: [TL API] method "getProjectTestPlans" from "TestlinkAPI->TestlinkXMLRPCServer" returns with wrong array structure (fman) - resolved. - 0002735: [TL API] External test case id not returned from getTestCasesForTestSuite (fman) - resolved. - 0002715: [Installer] Can not see (display) the Test Case ID after upgrade from 1.7.0 to 1.8.3 (fman) - resolved. - 0002145: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] save button while assigning tester to execute (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002708: [Localization] In the strings.txt of germany there isn't the definition of $TLS_tester (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002687: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Requirements based Report is not based only on selected test plan (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002648: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Status of Milestones shows Completed persantage of 100% (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002654: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] create or delete a test plan, pop-up error message unexpectedly (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002656: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Fist TestPlan created don't appears in the page (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002643: [Localization] Description about Summary in pt-br is wrong (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002584: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] Wrong link in cfg/trac.cfg.php (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002567: [Localization] TestLink 1.8.2 Finnish localization (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002596: [Localization] French translations fixes (Results section) (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002589: [Internal issue] Testcase names not htmlescaped in containerdelete.tpl (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001158: [Third party software components] Throws an exception when we try to browse the server (mhavlat) - resolved. TestLink - 1.8.3 ============================= - 0002318: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] User Manual - page numbers (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002224: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] Description of execution order is missing in User Manual (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002539: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] Suggestion for documentation on custom fields (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002568: [Internal issue] There are no $TLS_in and $TLS_out in en_GB/strings.txt (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002317: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Charts (graph) get garbled with multi-byte character set (toshi) - resolved. - 0002558: [Database MySQL] ERROR ON exec_query() - database.class.php (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002461: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Test results must be available for a deactivated TestPlans (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002540: [Localization] Korean Translation for TL 1.8.2 (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002535: [Test Execute] user list in drop down filter-fetting "Assigend to" incomplete (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002536: [User Interface General] Milestones % not shown (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002532: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Company Name on Printed Reports Tells to use $tlCfg->company->name (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002505: [Integration with Other Systems] Integration with JIRA causes errors in event viewer (fman) - resolved. - 0002496: [Event viewer] Undefined Index in event viewer when adding a bug (fman) - resolved. - 0002502: [Localization] Issue no 002491is not resolved (fman) - resolved. - 0002508: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Wrong link to show testcase from "Add/Remove Test Cases to/from Test Plan" (fman) - resolved. - 0002504: [General] Test cases cannot be viewed/edited due to programming error (fman) - resolved. - 0002533: [Requirement Management] the requirement is not belongs to the current product (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002523: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Req-Reports (resultReqs.php) alway shows the result of the Session-Testplan and not the chosen Testplan of the navigator combo (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002390: [Localization] en_us missing some strings (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002411: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Printing an extra line, when no "table of contents" (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002415: [Localization] Nearly full translation into polish language (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002510: [Event viewer] Message in event viewer: workAreaSimple.tpl.php - Line 13 (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002490: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Test cases exported to XML files cannot by imported if the size of the file exceeds 200kB (but can be exported!!) (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002464: [User Interface General] Menu bar obscured when IE7 browser window width too narrow (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002511: [User Interface General] Wrong translation to locale pt_BR (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002388: [User Interface General] Email address format seems no good (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002389: [Keywords] defined Keyword is not printed in the gui aligned with "Keywords:" (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002316: [Test Specification] WHen copying a Test Case, would like it to copy keywords and requirements (fman) - resolved. - 0002483: [General] Variable $linkto not defined before use as a function call argument in req_tree_menu.php (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002470: [User Interface General] Dropdown Menu for Report Format not visible (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002479: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] "total" column name is not capitalized (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002477: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] "xx" symbols in build name (Test Result Matrix report) (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002465: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Report - Test Cases with Custom Fields Info generates warning in event log (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002353: [Custom fields] An unassigned Custom Feild can not be deleted (fman) - resolved. - 0002466: [Test Specification] $g_testsuite_template does not work (fman) - resolved. TestLink - 1.8.2 ============================ - 0001405: [Custom fields] Custom field Max Size (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002392: [General] Poor performance of all Usermanagement section on TestLink 1.8.0 (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002439: [Requirement Management] Const.inc.php needs to be updated for requirements constants (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002438: [Localization] cs_CZ localization strings.txt (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002431: [Internal issue] Improper Session Handler causes the page to give error Not Found (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002419: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] The default name for saving test plan, test report, test specification is the same "test_report" (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0000833: [Test Specification] While printing test specification, the linked requirements are not shown (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0001820: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Report required for identifying the Test Case Assigned to users for a particular build and there status (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002171: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Requirements based report - not all requirements are shown on the report (fman) - resolved. - 0002410: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Custom Fields on Test Plan level Available for Testcases as a Report (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002366: [Test Execute] SQL Error in Test Execution when attempting to complete bulk operations with filter applied (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002305: [Test Execute] While in Execution and filtering by Not_Run, you get a MYSQL error (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002405: [General] Javascript error when accessing "Add / Remove Test Cases" page (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002406: [General] Javascript error when trying to open test case info in new window (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002394: [0 - Undefined] Importing Data via XLS Crashes (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002384: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Tree doesnt load properly in Add / Remove Test Cases (fman) - resolved. - 0002380: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Charts do not generate (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002324: [Database Postgres] "General Test Plan Metrics" show error messages with PostgreSQL (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002374: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Show Assigned User in the Not Run Test Cases Report (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002295: [General] bad url being generated when multiple logins detected and user attempts to logout (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002267: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Error when clicking a linked test case in Failed/Block Test Cases within Reports and Metrics (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002368: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] The Custom Fields are not being printed properly in a table in TestPlan/Test Spec. Doc. (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002347: [Database MySQL] Searching TestCase i got a mysql error (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002348: [Test Project Management] Test Case import from excel broken in 1.8.1 (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002354: [Users and Rights] Blank page if rights are not given on RoleManagement (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002342: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Wrong assignment to "$TLS_number_not_run" in String.txt file (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002292: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Requirements Based Report - results always show in 'Failed' section (amitkhullar) - resolved. TestLink - 1.8.1 ============================ - 0001686: [Database MS-SQL] Error in script Case sentive. (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002294: [Localization] en_us missing some strings (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002306: [User Interface General] Req-Title and Req-DocID not correctly escaped in tc_exec_test_spec.tpl (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002322: [Test Specification] Testcase name trancation break multi-byte characters (toshi) - resolved. - 0002290: [Custom fields] Custom Field implementation for Test Plan / Test Suite doesnt work (fman) - resolved. - 0001519: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Excel Importing Misses Multi-byte Charactors (toshi) - resolved. - 0002284: [General] SQL error on planTCNavigator.php while changing the Test Plan (fman) - resolved. - 0001162: [Keywords] Keywords with multi-byte characters are garbed (toshi) - resolved. - 0002293: [Integration with Other Systems] flushHttpHeader> Invalid format: 0 (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002319: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] Importing data via XML (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002303: [User Interface General] Title Bar bottom cut off when browser window width is narrow (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002304: [Requirement Management] Assigning a Requirement to Test Case fails due to missing class (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002279: [Test Specification] [Add to Test Plan] button leads to blank screen (fman) - resolved. - 0002266: [User Interface General] User cannot perform administration options when searching for a test case (fman) - resolved. - 0002280: [Installer] Migration from 1.8 Beta 2 to 1.8.0, says Table custom_fields - Missing (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002265: [Test Specification] Check Names for Duplicates not functioning properly (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002267: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Error when clicking a linked test case in Failed/Block Test Cases within Reports and Metrics (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002250: [Localization] ICONV code page conversion even in case that source and target encoding are the same (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002219: [User Interface General] Panel titles not symetrical (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001917: [Localization] Upgrade Japanese translation from 1.7.x to 1.8 (toshi) - closed. - 0002039: [Localization] Localization pt_BR (mhavlat) - closed. TestLink - 1.8.0 ================ - 0002220: [Test Execute] Fatal Error with BugInterface On (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002204: [TL API] createTestCase when creating new versions, reports version_number as -1 (fman) - resolved. - 0001642: [Localization] Dutch translation (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002217: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] No option to save a 'Word' format report (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002216: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] An excel format report gets saved as a html. (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002205: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Execution order (from execution table) ignored in Testplan printing (fman) - resolved. - 0002179: [TL API] getTestCasesForTestSuite fails (fman) - resolved. - 0002221: [Test Execute] error when viewing status of executed tests (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002223: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] Error in User Manual regarding test plan population (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002116: [Test Specification] Test Case/Suite - Delete confirmation without Cancel or No option (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002212: [Test Specification] Assign test case to test plan from test specification (fman) - resolved. - 0002180: [Localization] String 'req_status_approved' is not localized for 'en_GB' (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002202: [Event viewer] Multiple Warnings in Event Viewer (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002210: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Warning on Reports (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002199: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] typo (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002187: [Localization] No characters after spanish "ñ" and vowels with accent (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002191: [TL API] The constant "NO_USER_BY_THIS_LOGIN" is defined more than once (fman) - resolved. - 0002194: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Error when assigning test case execution (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002186: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Header output on test report and test plan (HTML) (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002183: [Test Specification] Error when editing and saving TestCase (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002181: [Test Execute] lib/execute/execSetResults.php is calling an unknown function "get_bugs_for_report" (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002137: [General] Attachment not found error when read back attachment from DB (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002162: [Integration with Other Systems] Unknown function get_bugs_for_report in execSetResults.php (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001428: [Test Specification] "Path" to the testcase (fman) - resolved. - 0001245: [Test Specification] display Test Suite location when Test Case is viewed during search (fman) - resolved. - 0002165: [Test Specification] Search Test Case - Make user life easier preloading test case prefix on search input (fman) - resolved. - 0002184: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Test case statuses is not colored when using localization (schlundus) - closed. - 0002166: [Requirement Management] Fatal error when printing requirements (fman) - closed. TestLink 1.8 RC 5 ============================== - 0002159: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Code comments reference files that don't exist (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002157: [Documentation (Install, User Manual, help)] Documentation update (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002141: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] DocGenerator - more bugs (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002149: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Attachment assigned to ReqSpec is not deleted after ReqSpec is deleted (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002110: [Event viewer] E_WARNING htmlspecialchars() [function.htmlspecialchars]: charset `LOCALIZE: charset' no (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002111: [Event viewer] E_STRICT Creating default object from empty value - in C:\tl\testlink\lib\execute\execNavigator.php - Line 485 (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002119: [Requirement Management] Document of Requirement Specification is not deleted within a table of "requirements". (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002126: [Requirement Management] All of Recods are deleted within a table of "nodes_hierarchy", if system is a Project. (fman) - resolved. - 0002129: [TL API] getTestCaseIDByName returns large number of instances (fman) - resolved. - 0001440: [Test Execute] Unable to view the test results of the entire test plan in Test Execute (fman) - resolved. - 0002140: [General] Cannot do anything after installation(daily testing). (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002104: [Localization] The letter of the multi-bytecode is not displayed in a natural language. (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0001123: [Database MS-SQL] Garbled characters with MS-SQL 2000 (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002058: [Localization] Change to french display " " on connection (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002127: [TL API] Contribution: Get test case's attachments (fman) - resolved. - 0002079: [TL API] Newest test case version doesn't appear in getTestCasesForTestPlan results (fman) - resolved. - 0002098: [TL API] With api calls like getTestCasesForTestPlan, need ability to specify property automated=automated (fman) - resolved. - 0002099: [TL API] automated property not returned when getTestCasesForTestPlan called (fman) - resolved. - 0002068: [Test Execute] would be fine to see requirements when TC is executed (amitkhullar) - resolved. - 0002114: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] TC assignment to tester not work (single TC assignment) (fman) - resolved. - 0002053: [General] Import/export to OpenOffice (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002107: [User Interface General] Buttons not aligned in IE (multiple pages) (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0000415: [Localization] Indonesian Localization Support (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002094: [Test Execute] Add new config parameter to enable/disabling colouring of counters of test cases status (fman) - resolved. - 0002090: [User Interface General] EXTJS tree doesn't show counter colors during execution (azl) - resolved. - 0002041: [General] Lost relationship between testcase and requirement after import (fman) - resolved. - 0002073: [TL API] Summary, steps and expected results missing from test cases in getTestCasesForTestPlan results (fman) - resolved. - 0002080: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Expected % of Mielstones not displayed on the resultsGeneral.tpl (fman) - resolved. - 0002062: [Test Specification] 1.8RC3: No tree visible when configured with JTREE. (fman) - resolved. - 0002088: [Internal issue] javascript errors in Keyword Search (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002086: [Localization] Localization - France (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002081: [Localization] Localization missing for the Urgency of Milestones (mhavlat) - resolved. Testlink 1.8 RC 4 ============================== - 0002072: [Event viewer] Delete Test case version (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002069: [General] Attachement crash (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001255: [New Feature] Notification - E-mail messages to assignee (fman) - resolved. - 0002050: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] New feature - send mail to testers during execution assingment (fman) - resolved. - 0002059: [Custom fields] Warning Logged in Logs due to incorrect variable name in code (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0001318: [Database General] Reading possibly nonexistend array key (fman) - resolved. - 0002009: [Event viewer] E_NOTICE Undefined index: childNodes (fman) - resolved. - 0002046: [Test Specification] TestCase - when new file is upload (in newly created version of TC), white page is shown (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002010: [Event viewer] String 'phpmailer_language' is not localized for 'en_GB' (fman) - resolved. - 0002039: [Localization] Localization pt_BR (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002038: [Internal issue] automated localization update (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002037: [Test Specification] attachment config for attachment title not working (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002032: [Test Specification] Move/Copy Test cases from Suite selection doesn't work (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002031: [Keywords] Keyword view + Keyword management not displayed for role leader and senior tester (see bug 0002021 ) (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001999: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Index in the Plan Test (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0001559: [User Interface General] Because the interlinear space is narrow, the top/bottom of the chars are cut. (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002022: [User Interface General] Various spelling mistakes in the "Test Specification" introductory text (English version) (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002018: [Installer] Migration 1.7 to 1.8 - SQL errors (fman) - resolved. - 0002020: [Installer] migration 1.7.3 -> 1.8 - testcase id porblems- Utility to align external ID with internal ID after migration (fman) - resolved. - 0002021: [Keywords] Keyword Management screen is not displayed with role leader (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002019: [Test Specification] Search test case by Requirement Document ID (fman) - resolved. - 0002016: [Installer] Migration from 1.7.3 to 1.8 (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0001980: [User Interface General] While attemtpting to upload an image to the server from the Edit Test Case form I get an invalid XML Response (fman) - resolved. - 0002017: [TL API] new method - assignRequirements() (fman) - resolved. - 0002015: [General] Session Timeout causes the page to give error 404 Not Found (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002012: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Query Metrics report crashes (fman) - resolved. - 0002014: [Installer] Upgrade from TL 1.7.4 ti 1.8 RC3 : problem with db_schema_update.sql when trying to do insert into role_rights (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002008: [Event viewer] E_NOTICE Undefined index: warning_edit_msg (schlundus) - resolved. - 0002013: [General] Disable security message (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0001363: [User Interface General] clean up English version of text displayed on Test Case Edit and Archive page (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0001591: [Test Execute] MainFrame freezes while loading a large TestSuite (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002000: [Installer] reportCheckingWeb threw some errors during installation (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0002002: [Localization] German localization not working (fman) - resolved. - 0001996: [Event viewer] Errors in variable names (fman) - resolved. - 0001997: [Event viewer] Version Numbers missing in Printing the Test Plan (fman) - resolved. Testlink 1.8 RC 3 ==================================== - 0001754: [Internal issue] Environment check in extra page (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0001862: [Localization] Localization pt_BR (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0001554: [TL API] New method - createTestProject (fman) - resolved. - 0001718: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] When using EXTJS tree filtering by keyword do not prune test suites (fman) - resolved. - 0001987: [Localization] Undefined variable in localization files: TLS_copy_to_all_tplans (fman) - resolved. - 0001932: [Test Specification] Boldface/italic does not function (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001992: [New Feature] Contribution - XLS import - Convert new line characters from XLS to HTML
in order to let testlink display them correctly (fman) - resolved. - 0001991: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] XLS import function create_xml_tcspec_from_xls in tclimport.php - incorrect use of variables (fman) - resolved. - 0001970: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Remove buttons missing from the Add/Remove Test Cases page. (fman) - resolved. - 0001977: [Requirement Management] Incorrect variable name in form submit of resultsReq.tpl file (fman) - resolved. - 0001982: [TL API] new method addTestCaseToTestPlan() (fman) - resolved. - 0001978: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Problem tree in Assign Test Case execution (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001969: [General] The Execute / Results link on Navbar behave in incorrect manner (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001967: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] SQL Error in Requirements based Report sublinks (fman) - resolved. - 0001975: [Test Specification] Copying a Test Case with an Attachment causes an Error (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001960: [Users and Rights] The title does not reflect the role anymore (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001957: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] CT Not executed in Query Metrics (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001715: [Localization] German translations (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001894: [Installer] DB Migration script for 1.74 to 1.8 RC1 is not functional (fman) - resolved. - 0001964: [Test Specification] Test Cases Import/export XML Format - manage Custom fields values (fman) - resolved. - 0001945: [Test Execute] Filter Mode - Advanced/Simple (fman) - resolved. - 0001739: [User Interface General] Layout of Milestones-GUI (planMilestones.tpl) is not equal to GUI of Plans and project (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0001635: [New Feature] Bulk TC Note under Bulk TC status management? (fman) - resolved. - 0001936: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Importing Excell with 1 header row and 1 data row fails (fix included) (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001956: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Report to display Test Cases linked to a test plan, that has not been assigned to a Tester (fman) - resolved. - 0001921: [Requirement Management] Problem with Requirements attachments after migration (fman) - resolved. - 0001852: [Requirement Management] Bulk Assignment of Requirements when we already have test cases created (fman) - resolved. - 0001868: [New Feature] Ability to assign execution time for a test case (fman) - resolved. - 0001938: [Integration with Other Systems] BTS trac and redmine interfaces migration to 1.8 (toshi) - resolved. - 0001926: [Integration with Other Systems] Trac: Unclear configuration (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0001939: [Integration with Other Systems] head code: int_bugtracking.php - > system crash (fman) - resolved. - 0001933: [Requirement Management] Requirements coverage not escaped in reqView.tpl (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001905: [Test Execute] Test Case separator missin Test Case ID in Execution Page (fman) - resolved. - 0001928: [Test Specification] Patch: Config option treemenu_show_testcase_id to affect ExtJS testcase tree (fman) - resolved. - 0001533: [New Feature] It would be nice to be able to add multiple testcases to a requirement at once (fman) - resolved. - 0001452: [User Interface General] Display the result of search testcase in a table or list (fman) - resolved. - 0001922: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] set urgent tests fails to get information for a suite (fman) - resolved. - 0001929: [Internal issue] Build name not correctly escape in exectcnavigator.tpl (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001859: [New Feature] Test case search result does not show to which test suite the test case does belong (fman) - resolved. - 0001876: [Test Specification] Numbering not shown on execute and test specification (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001925: [Requirement Management] Cannot print requirements - PHP error: "Call to undefined function printHeader()" (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001920: [User Interface General] Fatal error while printing requirement (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001910: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] EstimatedExecuteTime is always calculated over the whole testplan (fman) - resolved. - 0001860: [Test Plan (builds, milestones, test assign)] Test Case Assignment Page not functioning properly. (fman) - resolved. Testlink 1.8 RC 2 ==================================== - 0001273: [New Feature] Activity History Log module (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001909: [Test Specification] ext-all.css makes not to render the HTML generated from fckeditor (mhavlat) - resolved. - 0001901: [Test Execute] Refactor function (executeTestCase()) contributed by manish (fman) - resolved. - 0001885: [Requirement Management] Migration from v.1.7.3 - Requirements list empty after migration. (fman) - resolved. - 0001655: [Reports, Metrics, Export and Print] Printing the TestPlan with testresult and notes could only work correctly with mySQL-Database (schlundus) - resolved. - 0001903: [Users and Rights] Can't assign one user to one project with