=============================================================== TestLink 1.9.3 (Prague Bugfix 3) - Read me =============================================================== Contents 1. Introduction 2. Release notes 3. System Requirements 4. Installation 5. Upgrade and Migration 6. TestLink Team 7. Bug Reports and Feedback 1. Introduction =============================================================== TestLink is a web based test management and test execution system. It enables quality assurance teams to create and manage their test cases as well as to organize them into test plans. These test plans allow team members to execute test cases and track test results dynamically. TestLink is a GPL licensed open source project. All of the source code behind TestLink is freely available for download via SourceForge at http://www.sourceforge.net If you are interested in contributing to the TestLink effort feel free to contact us. There is no hidden fee - 100% free for using! 2. Release notes =============================================================== This release contains bugfixes for 1.9.0/1.9.1/1.9.2 See CHANGELOG file for detailed list of issues fixed. 3. System Requirements - server =============================================================== Server environment should consists from: - web-server: Apache 1.2 , 2.x - PHP 5.2, 5.3 - DBMS: MySQL 5.x , Postgres 8.x,9.x , MS-SQL 2005/2008 Supported client web-browsers: - Firefox 3.x - Internet Explorer 6.x, 7.x, 8.x - Chrome 4. Installation =============================================================== The following details the basic steps for installation on any system. Instructions may seem unix-centric but should work on Windows systems. Barring complications, it should take you about 10-20 minutes to install, configure, and be using TestLink. Short summary: 1. Transfer files 2. Uncompress files 3. Launch web based installer 1. First, transfer the file to your web-server using whatever method you like best (ftp, scp, etc). You will need to telnet/ssh into the server machine for the next steps. 2. Next, untar/gunzip it to the directory that you want. The usual command is (1 step): tar zxvf OR (2 steps): gunzip tar xvf Total Commander, Winzip, and other programs should also be able to handle decompression of the archive. At this point you may want to rename the directory to something different to 'testlink'. You should allow write access for logging, upload and template directories. 3. Launch web based installer We will create the necessary database tables and a basic configuration file. From your web server, access http://yoursite/testlink/ or similar URL and follow instructions. Check Installation manual and TestLink forum if you meet a problem. 5. Upgrade and Migration =============================================================== When accessing Installer page you will found following options: - New Installation - Migration from 1.8 to 1.9.1/2/3 If you are upgrading from 1.9.0 please go to section 'Upgrade from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1/2/3'. If you are upgrading from 1.9.1/2 NO DB upgrades will be needed. Steps - Make a Backup of your current database. - Using a NEW DIRECTORY (DO NOT OVERWRITE your old installation), do only following steps from Install procedure: Transfer files Uncompress files - Copy your old config_db.inc.php and custom_config.inc.php to NEW DIRECTORY. - Launch TestLink - TestLink will check Database version, and if some upgrade/migration is needed will launch automatically the installer. If you are updating a same major version (for example 1.7.0 to 1.7.1) you need to use Upgrade Database. If you are using a different major version detailed in options, you need to use the specific Migrations. If in some steps TestLink ask you for two databases, NEVER use same name from both. If you do not find nothing useful, post in forum Always before login, after an upgrade/migration clear browser cookies. - Upgrade from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1+ To be able to use Testlink 1.9.1+ with the new „Requirement Revisioning“ feature - migration procedure requires some manual steps. A.) Why does this release need manual steps on migration from 1.9.0? „Requirement Revisioning“ Feature requires database changes. Manual migration is simple and should not be a problem for anyone. No data needs to be migrated – it only requires to alter some tables and create a single new table. B.) What steps have to be executed for migration from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1+? 1. First of all make sure your testlink installation uses testlink 1.9.0 database scheme. If you are still on Testlink 1.8.x use standard upgrade procedure. 2. a) Execute install/sql/alter_tables/1.9.1//DB1.4/step1/db_schema_update.sql b) Execute install/sql/alter_tables/1.9.1//DB1.4/stepZ/z_final_step.sql WARNING: if you are using a table prefix replace /*prefix*/ with your prefix Hint: When using MySQL Query Browser make sure you are not using a single command execution. (open script or use special script tab to execute the whole script at once) 6. TestLink Team =============================================================== This list comprise people that has helped --- Most Active on this release * Francisco Mancardi - Project lead, builds, core developer, contributors code reviewer * Julian Krien - Leader of testlink-qa group effort on 1.9.x --- Contributors and developers active on other releases --- * Andreas Simon * Erik Eloff * Martin Havlat - Project lead, builds, infrastructure, developer * Andreas Morsing - core developer * Amit Khullar --- TestLink - QA - for 1.9 RC1 * Andreia Balani * Andreas Simon * Biache Benoit * James Bohnert * Micky Zhang * Rocky Yang * Masami Ichikawa - Automated Testing * Toshiyuki Kawanishi - Japanese localization, developer * Chad Rosen - (Originator - version 1.0.x) * Kevin Levy - Developer * Asiel Brumfield - Infrastructure, developer * Jason B. Archibald - Developer * Tools R Us - contributing team * Oscar Castroviejo - trackplus interface * Seweryn Plywaczyk - text area custom field * grdscarabe@grdscarabe.net and Alexandre Da Costa - French localization * Walter Giaquinto/Alessandro Lia and bruno.busco@gmail.com - Italian localization * Alessandro Lia - Javascript and CSS advice. * Leonardo Molinari - Portuguese localization * jorgesf@jsf.jazztel.es - Spanish localization * Jonas Fleer : search test case by custom field on test projects * Lightbulb Technology Services Pvt. Ltd. - techpartners: import test cases from XLS file abhishek.kulkarni@gmail.com and amit.dixit@lbtp.co.in * Kester Mielke (execution tree colouring and counters by tc status) * Peter Rooms - Bug coloring and labeling according status using same colors than Mantis. * Eugenia Drosdezki - Move/copy multiple testcases * Access to content of docs folder on combo box * Multiselect OR keywords filter * Japanese Testing Engineer's Forum (TEF) in Japan Working Group of TestLink Japanese Translation Project http://sourceforge.jp/projects/testlinkjp/ Atsushi Nagata, AZMA Daisuke, Hiromi Nishiyama, Kaname Mochizuki, Kaoru Nakamura, Kunio Murakami, Lumina Nishihara, Marino Suda, Masahide Katsumata, Masami Ichikawa, Masataka Yoneta, Sadahiko Hantani, Shinichi Sugiyama, Shinsuke Matsuki, Shizuka Ban, Takahiro Wada, Toshinori Sawaguchi, Toshiyuki Kawanishi, Yasuhiko Okada, Yoichi Kunihiro, Yoshihiro Yoshimura, Yukiko Kajino Yasuharu Nishi --- Code reuse --- We try to follow as much as possibile the following principle: Do not reinvent the wheel. We use code, and documentation from other Open Source Systems (see CODE_REUSE document for details). 7. Bug Reports and Feedback =============================================================== You may contact us at the TestLink forum at http://www.teamst.org/ If you found this software useful for your company please post in forum on section "Companies using TestLink". To submit a bug or a feature, please use our Mantis installation at http://www.testlink.org/mantis/.