---------------------------------------------------------------------- TestLink Open Source Project - http://testlink.sourceforge.net/ $Id: README,v 1.1 2008/08/16 13:34:52 franciscom Exp $ Author: franciscom ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This directory (custom) under TestLink Installation directory, has been created to give users, that want to develop some extensions to TestLink standard Features, a standard place where to put his/her code. This is a first simple approach, a better one (PLUG-INS) will be provided on future versions. At time of this writing (20080816) only usage of this drectory is for user defined custom field, i.e. custom fields types not provided with standard TestLink distribution. Users must put here code that add more custom fields to build-in types. Files containing code for this feature must follow naming rules: cf_.php These files WILL HE AUTOMATICALLY required_once() on cfield_mgr.class.php. Once example has been provided (_cf_radio_head.php) that is a new type called 'radio head', that is just a simple radio type. As you can see file name start with _cf => will not be available. TestLink Development Team