Dot TestLink


TestLink will carry out a number of checks to see if everything's ready to start the setup.

System requirements

Server Operating System (no constrains)Linux
PHP versionOK ( 5.2.0 [minimum version] <= 5.2.17 [your version] )

Web and PHP configuration

Maximum Session Idle Time before Timeout24 minutes and 0 seconds - (Short. Consider to extend.)
Checking max. execution time (Parameter max_execution_time)30 seconds - We suggest 120 seconds in order to manage hundred of test cases (edit php.ini)
Checking maximal allowed memory (Parameter memory_limit)OK (128 MegaBytes)
Checking if Register Globals is disabledOK
Checking MySQL Database OK
Checking Postgres Database Failed! Postgres Database cannot be used.
Checking GD Graphic library Failed! GD Graphic library not enabled.
Graph rendering requires it. This feature will be disabled. It's recommended to install it..
Checking LDAP library Failed! LDAP library not enabled. LDAP authentication cannot be used. (default internal authentication will works).
Checking JSON library OK

Read/write permissions

Checking if /usr/local/apache/htdocs/testlink/gui/templates_c directory existsOK
Checking if /usr/local/apache/htdocs/testlink/gui/templates_c directory is writableOK
Checking if /usr/local/apache/htdocs/testlink/logs directory existsOK
Checking if /usr/local/apache/htdocs/testlink/logs directory is writableOK
Checking if /usr/local/apache/htdocs/testlink/upload_area directory existsOK
Checking if /usr/local/apache/htdocs/testlink/upload_area directory is writableOK

Your system is prepared for TestLink configuration (no fatal problem found).