Dot TestLink


Warning! Migration of user assignments!

TestLink version 1.9 uses a new method of assigning users to test cases. This assignment is now done on build level instead of only test plan level like it was in older versions. Because of this change, your existing user assignments will be modified during migration:
For every test plan, all existing assignments of users to test cases will be deleted and re-assigned only to the newest found build in this test plan.
You will of course have the chance to change these assignments manually in TestLink after migration. When you create a new build, existing assignments from a selected existing build can also be copied directly on creation of the new build.

Database Backup

Warning! You have requested an Upgrade, this process will MODIFY your current TestLink Database.
We STRONGLY recomend you to backup your database before this point. See DB manual for more

Database Configuration

Define your database to store TestLink data:

Note: In the case that you DB connection dosn't use STANDARD PORT for , you need to add ':port_number', at the end Database host parameter. Example: you use MySQL running on port 6606, on server matrix then Database host will be matrix:6606

Enter the name of the TestLink database for upgrade.


Set an existing database user with administrative rights (root):

This user requires permission to create databases and users on the Database Server.
These values are used only for this installation procedures, and is not saved.

Define database User for Testlink access:

This user will have permission only to work on TestLink database and will be stored in TestLink configuration.
All TestLink requests to the Database will be done with this user.