-- $Revision: $ -- $Date: 2011/01/22 13:47:31 $ -- $Author: franciscom $ -- $RCSfile: db_schema_update.sql,v $ -- DB: Postgres -- -- Changing a Column's Default Value -- ALTER TABLE products ALTER COLUMN price SET DEFAULT 7.77; -- -- To remove any default value, use: -- ALTER TABLE products ALTER COLUMN price DROP DEFAULT; -- This is effectively the same as setting the default to null. -- As a consequence, it is not an error to drop a default where one hadn't been defined, -- because the default is implicitly the null value. -- -- Changing a Column's Data Type -- ALTER TABLE products ALTER COLUMN price TYPE numeric(10,2); -- -- Important Warning: -- This file will be processed by sqlParser.class.php, that uses SEMICOLON to find end of SQL Sentences. -- It is not intelligent enough to ignore SEMICOLONS inside comments, then PLEASE -- USE SEMICOLONS ONLY to signal END of SQL Statements. -- -- ALTER TABLE table RENAME TO newtable -- -- You can also define constraints on the column at the same time, using the usual syntax: -- ALTER TABLE products ADD COLUMN description text CHECK (description <> ''); -- In fact all the options that can be applied to a column description in CREATE TABLE can be used here. -- Keep in mind however that the default value must satisfy the given constraints, or the ADD will fail. -- Alternatively, you can add constraints later (see below) after you've filled in the new column correctly. -- Tip: Adding a column with a default requires updating each row of the table (to store the new column value). -- However, if no default is specified, PostgreSQL is able to avoid the physical update. -- So if you intend to fill the column with mostly nondefault values, it's best to add the column with no default, -- insert the correct values using UPDATE, and then add any desired default as described below. -- -- 5.5.3. Adding a Constraint -- -- To add a constraint, the table constraint syntax is used. For example: -- -- ALTER TABLE products ADD CHECK (name <> ''); -- ALTER TABLE products ADD CONSTRAINT some_name UNIQUE (product_no); -- ALTER TABLE products ADD FOREIGN KEY (product_group_id) REFERENCES product_groups; -- To add a not-null constraint, which cannot be written as a table constraint, use this syntax: -- -- ALTER TABLE products ALTER COLUMN product_no SET NOT NULL; -- The constraint will be checked immediately, so the table data must satisfy the constraint before it can be added. -- -- -- -- -- -- internal revision: -- 20110115 - franciscom - update to 1.9.1 DB 1.4 -- add new node types: requirement_revision -- new tables: req_revisions -- set some default value for new columns on old data -- -- -- 20101005 - franciscom - BUGID 3855: Upgrading from 1.8 to 1.9 does not work with PostgreSQL -- ALTER TABLE /*prefix*/builds ADD COLUMN release_date DATE NULL; -- 20100705 - asimon - added new column build_id to user_assignments -- 20100308 - franciscom - req_relations table added -- -- 20100113 - franciscom -- work started -- -- -- update some config data INSERT INTO /*prefix*/node_types (id,description) VALUES (10,'requirement_revision'); -- Step 1 - Drops if needed -- Step 2 - simple structure updates -- We need to this before creating new table because we have a FK ALTER TABLE /*prefix*/req_versions ADD COLUMN "revision" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '1'; ALTER TABLE /*prefix*/req_versions ADD COLUMN "log_message" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE /*prefix*/req_versions DROP CONSTRAINT /*prefix*/req_versions_pkey; ALTER TABLE /*prefix*/req_versions ADD PRIMARY KEY ("id"); COMMENT ON TABLE /*prefix*/req_versions IS 'Updated to TL 1.9.1 - DB 1.4'; -- Step 3 - new tables --- BUGID 4056 CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/req_revisions( "parent_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/req_versions (id), "id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "revision" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "req_doc_id" VARCHAR(64) NULL, --- fman - it's OK to allow a simple update query on code ? "name" VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "scope" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "status" CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'V', "type" CHAR(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "active" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', --- fman - Need To understand use i.e. just as memory ? "is_open" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', --- fman - Need To understand use i.e. just as memory ? "expected_coverage" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, "log_message" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "author_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "creation_ts" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "modifier_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "modification_ts" TIMESTAMP NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/req_revisions_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/req_revisions ("parent_id","revision");