-- TestLink Open Source Project - http://testlink.sourceforge.net/ -- This script is distributed under the GNU General Public License 2 or later. -- $Id: testlink_create_tables.sql,v 2010/12/11 17:25:21 franciscom Exp $ -- -- SQL script - create db tables for TL on Postgres -- -- IMPORTANT NOTE: -- each NEW TABLE added here NEED TO BE DEFINED in object.class.php getDBTables() -- -- ATTENTION: do not use a different naming convention, that one already in use. -- -- Naming convention for column regarding date/time of creation or change -- Right or wrong from TL 1.7 we have used -- creation_ts, modification_ts -- -- Then no other naming convention has to be used as: create_ts, modified_ts -- -- -- CRITIC: -- Because this file will be processed during installation doing text replaces -- to add TABLE PREFIX NAME, any NEW DDL CODE added must be respect present -- convention regarding case and spaces between DDL keywords. -- -- -- Rev : -- 20101204 - franciscom - BUGID 4070 - changed executions_idx1 -- ("testplan_id","tcversion_id","platform_id","build_id"); -- -- 20100912 - franciscom - requirements index ("srs_id","req_doc_id") changed to UNIQUE -- 20100705 - asimon - added column build_id to user_assignments -- 20100308 - franciscom - req_relations table added -- 20100124 - franciscom - is_open,active added to req_versions table -- 20100113 - franciscom - doc_id increased to 64 and setted NOT NULL -- 20100106 - franciscom - Test Case Step feature -- -- 20091228 - franciscom - requirements table changes and new table req_versions -- to implement requirements versioning. -- -- 20091124 - franciscom - requirements table - new field expected_coverage -- 20091119 - franciscom - req_specs added doc_id field -- 20091010 - franciscom - added testplan_platforms,platforms -- platform_id to tables -- 20090910 - franciscom - tcversions.preconditions -- milestones.start_date -- 20090717 - franciscom - added cfield_testprojects.location field -- 20090611 - franciscom - builds.closed_on_date -- 20090512 - franciscom - BUGID - is_public attribute for testprojects and testplans -- 20090507 - franciscom - BUGID new builds structure -- 20090411 - franciscom - BUGID 2369 - testplan_tcversions -- -- 20090315 - franciscom - req_spec, requirements id can not be big serial -- because are nodes on nodes_hierarchy. -- -- 20090204 - franciscom - object_keywords - bad type for ID column -- 20090103 - franciscom - milestones table - added new unique index -- custom_fields - added missing unique constraint -- 20081018 - franciscom - new indexes (suggested by schlundus) on events table -- 20080831 - franciscom - BUGID 1650 (REQ) -- custom_fields.show_on_testplan_design -- custom_fields.enable_on_testplan_design -- new table cfield_testplan_design_values -- -- 20080709 - franciscom - Added Foreing Keys (REFERENCES) -- 20080102 - franciscom - added changes for API feature (DB 1.2) -- added notes fields on db_version -- -- 20071202 - franciscom - added tcversions.execution_type -- 20071010 - franciscom - open -> is_open due to MSSQL reserved word problem -- 20070519 - franciscom - milestones table date -> target_date, because -- date is reserved word for Oracle -- -- 20070414 - franciscom - table requirements: added field node_order -- 20070204 - franciscom - changes in tables priorities, risk_assignments -- 20070131 - franciscom - requirements -> req_doc_id(32), -- -- 20070120 - franciscom - following BUGID 458 ( really a new feature request) -- two new fields on builds table -- active, open -- -- 20070117 - franciscom - create_ts -> creation_ts -- -- 20070116 - franciscom - fixed BUGID 545 -- -- 20070113 - franciscom - table cfield_testprojects added fields -- required_on_design,required_on_execution -- 20060515 - franciscom - creation -- -- -- Table structure for table "node_types" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/node_types ( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "description" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'testproject', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "nodes_hierarchy" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "name" VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "parent_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "node_type_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' REFERENCES /*prefix*/node_types (id), "node_order" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy_pid_m_nodeorder ON /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy ("parent_id","node_order"); -- -- -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/transactions( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, "entry_point" varchar(45) NOT NULL default '', "start_time" INT NOT NULL default '0', "end_time" INT NOT NULL default '0', "user_id" BIGINT DEFAULT 0, "session_id" varchar(45) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- -- -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/events( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, "transaction_id" BIGINT NOT NULL default '0', "log_level" SMALLINT NOT NULL default '0', "source" varchar(45) NULL, "description" text NOT NULL, "fired_at" INT NOT NULL default '0', "activity" varchar(45) NULL, "object_id" BIGINT NULL, "object_type" varchar(45) NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/events_transaction_id ON /*prefix*/events ("transaction_id"); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/events_fired_at ON /*prefix*/events ("fired_at"); -- -- Table structure for table "roles" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/roles( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "description" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "notes" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/roles_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/roles ("description"); -- -- Table structure for table "users" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/users( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "login" VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "password" VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "role_id" SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/roles (id), "email" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "first" VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "last" VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "locale" VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en_GB', "default_testproject_id" INTEGER NULL DEFAULT NULL, "active" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "script_key" VARCHAR(32) NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/users_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/users ("login"); -- -- Table structure for table "tcversions" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/tcversions( "id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "tc_external_id" INT NULL, "version" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "layout" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "status" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "summary" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "preconditions" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "importance" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '2', "author_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/users (id), "creation_ts" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "updater_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/users (id), "modification_ts" TIMESTAMP NULL, "active" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "is_open" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "execution_type" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "tcsteps" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/tcsteps ( "id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "step_number" INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "actions" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "expected_results" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "active" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "execution_type" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "testplans" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/testplans( "id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "testproject_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "notes" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "active" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "is_open" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "is_public" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/testplans_testproject_id_active ON /*prefix*/testplans ("testproject_id","active"); -- -- Table structure for table builds -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/builds( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "testplan_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testplans (id), "name" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'undefined', "notes" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "active" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "is_open" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "author_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "creation_ts" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "release_date" DATE NULL, "closed_on_date" DATE NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/builds_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/builds ("testplan_id","name"); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/builds_testplan_id ON /*prefix*/builds ("testplan_id"); -- -- Table structure for table "executions" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/executions( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "build_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/builds (id), "tester_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "execution_ts" TIMESTAMP NULL, "status" CHAR(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "testplan_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testplans (id), "tcversion_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/tcversions (id), "tcversion_number" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "platform_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "execution_type" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "notes" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/executions_idx1 ON /*prefix*/executions ("testplan_id","tcversion_id","platform_id","build_id"); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/executions_idx2 ON /*prefix*/executions ("execution_type"); -- -- Table structure for table "testplan_tcversions" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/testplan_tcversions( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "testplan_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testplans (id), "tcversion_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/tcversions (id), "platform_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "node_order" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, "urgency" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '2', "author_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "creation_ts" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/testplan_tcversions_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/testplan_tcversions ("testplan_id","tcversion_id","platform_id"); -- -- Table structure for table "custom_fields" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/custom_fields( "id" SERIAL NOT NULL , "name" VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "label" VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "type" SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "possible_values" VARCHAR(4000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "default_value" VARCHAR(4000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "valid_regexp" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "length_min" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "length_max" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "show_on_design" SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "enable_on_design" SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "show_on_execution" SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "enable_on_execution" SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "show_on_testplan_design" SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "enable_on_testplan_design" SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/custom_fields_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/custom_fields ("name"); -- -- Table structure for table "testprojects" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/testprojects( "id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "notes" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "color" VARCHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '#9BD', "active" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "option_reqs" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "option_priority" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "option_automation" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "options" TEXT, "prefix" varchar(16) NOT NULL, "tc_counter" int NOT NULL default '0', "is_public" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/testprojects_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/testprojects ("prefix"); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/testprojects_id_active ON /*prefix*/testprojects ("id","active"); -- -- Table structure for table cfield_testprojects -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/cfield_testprojects( "field_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/custom_fields (id), "testproject_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testprojects (id), "display_order" INTEGER NOT NULL default '1', "active" INT2 NOT NULL default '1', "location" INT2 NOT NULL default '1', "required_on_design" INT2 NOT NULL default '0', "required_on_execution" INT2 NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY ("field_id","testproject_id") ); -- -- Table structure for table cfield_design_values -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/cfield_design_values( "field_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/custom_fields (id), "node_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "value" VARCHAR(4000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY ("field_id","node_id") ); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/IX_cfield_design_values ON /*prefix*/cfield_design_values ("node_id"); -- -- Table structure for table cfield_execution_values -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/cfield_execution_values( "field_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/custom_fields (id), "execution_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/executions (id), "testplan_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testplans (id), "tcversion_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/tcversions (id), "value" VARCHAR(4000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY ("field_id","execution_id","testplan_id","tcversion_id") ); -- -- Table structure for table cfield_testplan_design_values -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/cfield_testplan_design_values( "field_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/custom_fields (id), "link_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testplan_tcversions (id), "value" VARCHAR(4000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY ("field_id","link_id") ); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/IX_cfield_tplan_design_val ON /*prefix*/cfield_testplan_design_values ("link_id"); -- -- Table structure for table cfield_node_types -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/cfield_node_types( "field_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/custom_fields (id), "node_type_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/node_types (id), PRIMARY KEY ("field_id","node_type_id") ); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/cfield_node_types_idx_custom_fields_assign ON /*prefix*/cfield_node_types ("node_type_id"); -- ################################################################################ -- -- -- Table structure for table assignment_status -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/assignment_status( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "description" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- -- Table structure for table assignment_types -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/assignment_types( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "fk_table" VARCHAR(30) NULL DEFAULT '', "description" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- -- Table structure for table attachments -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/attachments( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "fk_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "fk_table" VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "title" VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "description" VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "file_name" VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "file_path" VARCHAR(250) NULL DEFAULT '', "file_size" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "file_type" VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "date_added" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "content" BYTEA NULL DEFAULT NULL, "compression_type" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "db_version" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/db_version( "version" VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', "upgrade_ts" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "notes" TEXT NULL ); -- -- Table structure for table "execution_bugs" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/execution_bugs( "execution_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/executions (id), "bug_id" VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY ("execution_id","bug_id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "keywords" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/keywords( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "keyword" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', "testproject_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testprojects (id), "notes" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/keywords_testproject_id ON /*prefix*/keywords ("testproject_id"); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/keywords_keyword ON /*prefix*/keywords ("keyword"); -- -- Table structure for table "milestones" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/milestones( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "testplan_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testplans (id), "target_date" DATE NOT NULL , "start_date" DATE NULL , "a" SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "b" SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "c" SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "name" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'undefined', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/milestones_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/milestones ("name","testplan_id"); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/milestones_testplan_id ON /*prefix*/milestones ("testplan_id"); -- -- Table structure for table object_keywords -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/object_keywords( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "fk_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "fk_table" VARCHAR(30) NULL DEFAULT '', "keyword_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/keywords (id), PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "req_specs" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/req_specs( "id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "testproject_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testprojects (id), "doc_id" VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, "scope" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "total_req" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "type" CHAR(1) NULL DEFAULT 'N', "author_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "creation_ts" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "modifier_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "modification_ts" TIMESTAMP NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/req_specs_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/req_specs ("doc_id","testproject_id"); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/req_specs_testproject_id ON /*prefix*/req_specs ("testproject_id"); -- -- Table structure for table "req_suites" - NEW - -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/req_suites( "id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "details" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "requirements" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/requirements ( "id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "srs_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/req_specs (id), "req_doc_id" VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/requirements_idx1 ON /*prefix*/requirements ("srs_id","req_doc_id"); CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/req_versions( "id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "version" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "revision" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', --- BUGID 4056 "scope" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "status" CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'V', "type" CHAR(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "active" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "is_open" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "expected_coverage" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, "author_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "creation_ts" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "modifier_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "modification_ts" TIMESTAMP NULL, "log_message" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, ---- PRIMARY KEY ("id","version") <<<<--- NEED TO CHANGE in order to add simple FK on req_revisions PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "req_coverage" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/req_coverage( "req_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/requirements (id), "testcase_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/req_coverage_req_testcase ON /*prefix*/req_coverage ("req_id","testcase_id"); -- -- Table structure for table "rights" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/rights( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "description" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/rights_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/rights ("description"); -- -- Table structure for table "risk_assignments" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/risk_assignments( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "testplan_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testplans (id), "node_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "risk" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '2', "importance" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '2', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/risk_assignments_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/risk_assignments ("testplan_id","node_id"); -- -- Table structure for table "role_rights" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/role_rights( "role_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/roles (id), "right_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/rights (id), PRIMARY KEY ("role_id","right_id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "testcase_keywords" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/testcase_keywords( "testcase_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "keyword_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/keywords (id), PRIMARY KEY ("testcase_id","keyword_id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "testsuites" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/testsuites( "id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "details" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "user_assignments" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/user_assignments( "id" BIGSERIAL NOT NULL , "type" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "feature_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', "user_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/users (id), "build_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/builds (id), "deadline_ts" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() + '10 days'::interval), "assigner_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/users (id), "creation_ts" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "status" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/user_assignments_feature_id ON /*prefix*/user_assignments ("feature_id"); -- -- Table structure for table "user_testplan_roles" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/user_testplan_roles( "user_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/users (id), "testplan_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testplans (id), "role_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/roles (id), PRIMARY KEY ("user_id","testplan_id") ); -- -- Table structure for table "user_testproject_roles" -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/user_testproject_roles( "user_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/users (id), "testproject_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testprojects (id), "role_id" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/roles (id), PRIMARY KEY ("user_id","testproject_id") ); -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/text_templates( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, type INT NOT NULL, title varchar(100) NOT NULL, template_data text, author_id BIGINT default NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/users (id), creation_ts TIMESTAMP NOT NULL default now(), is_public INT2 NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/text_templates_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/text_templates (type,title); COMMENT ON TABLE /*prefix*/text_templates IS 'Global Project Templates'; -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/user_group( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, title varchar(100) NOT NULL, description text, owner_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/users (id), testproject_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/testprojects (id), PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/user_group_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/user_group (title); -- CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/user_group_assign( usergroup_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/user_group (id), user_id BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/users (id) ); CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/platforms ( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, testproject_id BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testprojects (id), notes text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/platforms_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/platforms (testproject_id,name); CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/testplan_platforms ( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, testplan_id BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testplans (id), platform_id BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/testplan_platforms_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/testplan_platforms (testplan_id,platform_id); CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/inventory ( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, "testproject_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/testprojects (id), "owner_id" BIGINT NOT NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/users (id), "name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ipaddress VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "content" TEXT NULL , "creation_ts" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "modification_ts" TIMESTAMP NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE INDEX /*prefix*/inventory_idx1 ON /*prefix*/inventory (testproject_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/inventory_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/inventory (name,testproject_id); CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/req_relations ( id BIGSERIAL NOT NULL, source_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/requirements (id), destination_id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/requirements (id), relation_type INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', author_id BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL REFERENCES /*prefix*/users (id), creation_ts TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); --- BUGID 4056 CREATE TABLE /*prefix*/req_revisions( "parent_id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/req_versions (id), "id" BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' REFERENCES /*prefix*/nodes_hierarchy (id), "revision" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', "req_doc_id" VARCHAR(64) NULL, --- fman - it's OK to allow a simple update query on code ? "name" VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "scope" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "status" CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'V', "type" CHAR(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL, "active" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', --- fman - Need To understand use i.e. just as memory ? "is_open" INT2 NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', --- fman - Need To understand use i.e. just as memory ? "expected_coverage" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, "log_message" TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "author_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "creation_ts" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), "modifier_id" BIGINT NULL DEFAULT NULL, "modification_ts" TIMESTAMP NULL, PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*prefix*/req_revisions_uidx1 ON /*prefix*/req_revisions ("parent_id","revision");