Tigra Color Picker Softcomplex logo
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Tigra Color Picker - Demo #1  
On the right hand side there is a form with Tigra Color Picker attached to the fields. Note, that you can have multiple pickers on the same page independently.

Easy color input - With Tigra Color Picker color input is simple and intuitive. Visitors can select any color from three available palettes with few clicks.

Cost Saving Component - Don't waste your time coding color convertors and validators all over again for each new project. Get the colors on server side ready for further processing.

Professional Look - Simple great looking improvement to the user interface of your web application.

Getting Started

The script is really easy to setup. To see an example just open this document with plain text editor and find comments. Didn't it help? Ask for help in Product Forum.

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Try out the script with this demo form
Select color from Web safe palette: Click Here to Pick up the color
Select color from Windows system palette: Click Here to Pick up the color
Select color from grayscale palette: Click Here to Pick up the color
Picker reads initial value from the input: Click Here to Pick up the color
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